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My name is Caitlyn. I am not a normal 21 year old. Normal woman my age spend there time partying, I spend my time talking to their ghosts. No, not the ghosts you're thinking. These ghosts only come when you are 6-12 months away from death's doorstep. They know when and how their humans will die. I hope to have to never see mine but it is inevitable. One day I will have to face my ghost just hopefully not soon.

I live with my boyfriend of 1 year. This year is our 2 year anniversary and to celebrate we are going to go to the cliffs. This is what we call the cliffs that drop into the ocean. It is beautiful. But that is still a ways away and by a ways I mean 9 months. You might say I plan ahead but it is only because everyone's death is planned so why not have everything else planned out. Unlike some people I do not fear death because I know when it's coming. I found out about the seeing ghost thing about 7 months before my sister died. She had committed suicide after her boyfriend broke up its her. They had gone through everything together so she just left this world ever once then I have been able to see the ghost of every dying person I come across.

Little did I know that the next ghost I saw, would be my own.

A/n- So what do you think? Tonight I got a chapter of Dancing on the ground out as well so be sure to check it out. This story just came to me in language arts today. I was just flipping through a dictionary and came up with it.

See ya,

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 ⏰

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