Can He Save Her?

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  • Dedicated to Jesse Rebel and The Chairez Family.

Can he save her?

                                                *I DIDN'T EVEN SAY GOODBYE BEFORE YOU LEFT.*

My whole life I had tried to find someone that would be there for me, and I did. I was clueless to a world that the love of my life inhabited. I’m the schools star basketball player I should be able to have any girl I want, right? Right.

Everyone always says age matters when it comes to love… it doesn’t… love can come at anytime it wants to…

Imagine a little bleach blonde blue eyed boy playing with a little green eyed brown haired girl… they could be friends forever or they could lose touch…

Imagine years later… the little girl grows up, changes her appearance, yet the little boy still falls in love with her just like in the sandbox years before.

It doesn’t matter the age or the depth of love, even when it’s a fling or short loved romance it can still leave its marks… perhaps physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or it could just make you cry every time you hear their name.

Sometimes I imagine love as being a lie… it’s there when you don’t want it to be, not there when it’s supposed to be, tells you they love you when all they do is use you, and it taunts people with those it can’t have, such as my beautiful flower, Rose Luna.

She disappeared, at least from my friends. She hung out with all the Emo and Goth people like Tyler, Aiden, Keller and Natalie but then again she disappeared from them aswell.

Like in every other normal high school we have the cliques; I belong to the jock clique. They belonged to the opposite clique. Which means, I can’t be seen talking to them.

 They hated me because I was a prep or so it seemed. When we were in the sandbox so long ago I was their friend then everything changed when we got to fourth grade… I don’t even know what caused it.

Before fourth grade when we passed each other in the halls we would at least acknowledge each other. It was so simple back then but know were in eleventh. She doesn’t talk to me anymore. She's not even around.

 I’ve loved Rose ever since that first day in preschool, it’s been twelve years. If my friends ever knew I’d be dead.

If they knew my girlfriend would find out and that’s not good for me or Rose, all those long years and I haven’t spoken once to Rose. But how can I speak with someone who isn’t around…

When I was fifteen, I lost my virginity. Ashley and I had known each other for two years and I hadn’t talked to Rose In awhile so Ashley and I had sex.

My little sister Shelby, she’s sixteen right now, we're one year apart. Shelby knew when I did. We’re so close that when I walked into the room she immediately knew without a word from me. Shelby would never tell anyone though. I have too much dirt on her.

 Shelby was pregnant last year; I drove and paid for her abortion. She wouldn’t dare tell, I've regretted losing my virginity since; I'm sure Shelby regrets losing hers too.

Even before I met Ashley I made a promise to never give up on Rose even If she does hate me. Where is she though? Why did she leave? Was it her choice?

   I walked home with Jake and Nathaniel from school. Nathaniel preferred to be addressed as Nate though.

His dad, who passed away, is his namesake, so we respected his wishes, for the most part anyhow. Jake looked over at me and started talking; I tuned in when I heard mine and Ashley's names.

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