Buttercup's Surprise

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Butters' POV:
I woke up with a jolt. I felt so excited today! It was my 16th birthday! I quickly hopped out if bed and threw on some clothes. I wore pink boxers, because why not, brown jeans, a sky blue jacket, and my bangs were pulled out of my face by pink hair clips that Craig gave to me. He said Ruby doesn't wear them anymore. I'm not exactly best buddies with everyone. I'm their friend and everything, but I feel as though they are just using me because I'm so nice. Except for Kenny, he was my first true friend! He was the only one in the world allowed to call me Buttercup. He earned my trust and I earned his. After I was done changing, I ran downstairs to say hello to my parents. They weren't there. Confused, I looker out in the driveway and saw both of their cars missing. I sighed. They probably left for work earlier than usual. I walked into the kitchen and got out a poptart. I don't eat much in te mornings because I'm afraid I'll get sick. After I finished eating, I run ito the bathroom to brush my teeth and then out the door I go.

I walked to the bus stop and saw Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Craig, and Tweek. I didn't see Kenny yet. "M-Morning B-Butters." Tweek stammered.

"Hello fella!" I greeted back. I always call everyone fella so don't judge. I waited to see if anyone mentioned my borthday, but no one did. I didn't really react much, they don't really remember anything about me.

I hear footsteps running in the snow. I turned and a smile made its way to my face. "Hey guys!" Kenny greeted breathlessly.

"Dude, why so late?" Stan asked stealthily slipping his hand into Kyle's.

"I was up all night playing video games. I just got some badass DLC for GTA!" Kenny boasted.

I smiled softly. "Hi Kenny." I greeted quietly.

Kenny turned to look at me. "Morning Buttercup~" He greeted back.

I inwardly heat up at the nickname. I heard the bus's tired whir against the sloppy snow. I turned to my left and see the bus making its way to its stop, like it does every morning. Once on the bus, I sat in the way back near the window. I felt someone sit next to me and I look up and see Kenny flipping through a sports mgazine. He was on the bikini model section though. Stan and Kyle sat in the seat next to us. In front of them was Craig and Tweek. Beside them was Cartman, all by his fatass self. I know I'm supposed to be the really nice person that everyone knows, but Cartman really grinds my gears.

At school I put my stuff into my locker and I shut it tightly. I looked around and saw that all of my friends left for class. I sighed, they all probably forgot. Figures..

I walked sluggishly to my class when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw a smiling Kenny. "Whats wrong, bud?" He asked.

I sighed. "Its really nothing. Just didn't eat well enough this morning." I lied. I ate as much as I did every morning.

Kenny gasped dramatically. "You skipped your daily poptart?!" He asked, feigning shock.

I giggled and opened the class room door. A few people glanced our way, but then quickly returned to what they were doing. I sat down in my desk beside Kenny. Stan was in front of me, Kyle was to the left of him, Clyde was to the right, Cartman was behind Clyde, Token was to the right of me behind Cartman, Kenny sat behind Kyle which was next to me, and then Tweek and Craig were sitting next to each other by Kenny. I pulled out my notebook and took notes as class began.

All day. Not even once have I gotten a happy birthday! I was so upset! Even Kenny didn't say happy birthday! When the bus pulled in I quickly hopped out and ran for my house, ignoring the calls of Kenny and the others. I threw open my door and I faceplanted onto the couch to cry. My parents still weren't home so it was okay. I cried for a good ten to fifteen minutes before I heard a knock at the door. I got up, didn't even care if I looked like a slob, and opened the door. The person there gasped. "B-Buttercup? Are you okay?" Kenny asked stepping inside.

I felt all my sorrow boil up. "No I'm not! Now get out!" I cried.

Kenny sighed and pulled me into a hug. "Is this about your birthday?" He asked.

I gasped and looked up. I wanted to punch his face in. "You knew, but you couldn't even give me as much as a happy birthday?!" I asked, feeling like I could cry again.

Kenny looked at me sympathetically. He placed his hands on my shoulders and leaned down. My hearted started thumping rapidly. He was getting real close! Soon, our lips touched. My face felt like it was going to melt off. Kenny grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. I closed my eyes and kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. After a few minutes of kissing, Kenny pulled back and placed his forehead against mine. "Happy Birthday Buttercup." This was the best birthday ever!

Happy Birthday Butters (butters x kenny)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt