Bea Miller as Alice

I walked into school, with no emotion. "Hey freak" James, the dick of the school, says coming up to me. "I see your brother isn't here to protect you" he sneers making me frown.

Luke has always been the one to stand up for me. "You aren't going to talk" he says pushing me backwards. "Leave her alone" I hear a voice, I turn to see Alex. Alex used to be my friend, we kinda faded apart after he moved.

"Alex" I say shocked as James rolls his eyes and walks away. "Hey Wonder" He says hugging me. Wonder was a nickname he gave me in 7th grade.
"What are you doing here" I ask. "Well for starters I'm staying with gran for a week and we are going to go get ice cream" he says grabbing my hand.

I stop and shake my head. "It's 8:00 and I'm already late for class" I frown glancing at the clock on the wall. "Just skip" he frowns letting go of my hand. "I don't skip" I lie, truth was after he left, I snuck out the back.

I walk down the trail it was one that me and Luke made years ago. I slipped past the wired fence and into the woods. I soon make it to the lake, it was beautiful as ever.

I sat at the edge, holding my breathe. I had always been scared of water, things like a lake, a river, even a ocean freaked me out. It was all because of that day.


Luke and I stood by the lake, rocks in our hand. I was 14 and he was 15. "Dont get to close to the water" he warns as I nod. We were throwing rocks into the water, standing on a hill.

It was pretty steep, and I was a clumsy child. It all happened so fast. I had somehow tripped over my own feet, and that sent me tumbling into the lake. I didn't know how to swim at the time; hell I still don't know how to swim.

I was lucky to have Luke there though, he jumped straight in to save me.


I frown as happy memories of Luke and I form into my brain. A tear runs down my face but I quickly wipe it.
I stand up, backing away from the lake as cautiously as I could.

I turn around and walk down a trail that lead to my house. I walked inside and up to my room, quickly putting on Pandora. Immediately a 5sos song comes on. I was proud of my brother, don't get me wrong, but he could've at least said goodbye.

"Alice" I hear Liz, my mom, scream. I frown. I quickly go downstairs to see My dad and Mom. "What" I ask. "Alice we need to talk" She says a frown on her face.

"Your 18 Alice, we think it's time you, find a new place" My dad says in a stern voice. "W-what" I ask backing away a bit. "For God's sake Alice we're kicking you out, how stupid can you be" He screams.

"Well I'm so fucking sorry that you feel the need to kick your daughter out. I'll leave, but when you guys need something don't you dare come running to me" I scream back running upstairs. I decided not to pack anything up, instead I grabbed my sweater, my pennyboard and my phone.

I storm downstairs and out of the house, skating away. I stop at a near bus stop and look through my contacts list. My finger lingered onto the contact named 'Luke' I hated to do it, but I had to.

I pressed the button and put the phone to my ear taking a deep breath. "Hello" He says.

"Hi Luke" I say.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2015 ⏰

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