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Remember that video where Luke and I got dared to kiss? But didn't go through with it.
"Mikey!" Luke called from our room, I was out in the hallway moping. It's almost like I was bored, but I wasn't. I looked to see him waiting by the door with an annoyed look on his face. I know to most people he's a grumpy guy, but he's sweet. Yes, most of the time he gets bored, but to me personally I don't care much for his act. I know it sounds rude, but he acts so bored all the time, when in reality I know he's not actually.

"Oh yeah?" I asked coming to him. He smiled his blue eyes sparkling. He was my best friend, I was taller, but he beat me in age. He was 18, while I was 15. To others, they didn't get why we hung out, but best friends are best friends for a reason. He had strait dirty blond hair, and a great smile.

"We should do a video," he suggested. I of course said yes, because Luke We already made two which was usually where I wanted to stop making them, but I did like entertaining my viewers.

"Lets tweet #asklikey," I said joining him on my bed. We were at playlist live, and like normally we shared a room.

"You tweet it, I'll put the camera and lights together," he said walking away. I don't mind letting Luke tell me what to do, because Luke's one of those people your suppose to like.

"Now we wait," I said with a sigh, as Luke came back. He was wearing one of my shirts, and blue pants. We were always sharing cloths, like shirts and stuff.

"Hey, my names Mikey and if you've been watching my other videos then you'd know who the guy by me is, but if you're new here, then my name is Mikey Murphy and the guy beside me is a very good friend of mine," I said smiling into the camera, as I checked if the microphone was on. Glad to say it was.

"Hey, I'm Luke," Luke said leaning beside me.

"And today were going to answer questions for 'likey'. We already asked questions on twitter for you to ask questions, so lets get answering!" I said acting enthusiasticly. I looked to Luke who was messing with his hair and smiling at the camera.

"Why don't you start?" I asked making him smile. He was getting his bored act on.

"I better not pick a boring one," he grumbled. I smiled loving, when he brought this act.

"Okay @lacciberg34 asked' Would you go gay for one another?' " Luke said reading his phone.

"I don't think so, we are best friends, and I don't want to make our friendship weirder than it already is," I answered looking at Luke for his answer.

"Well... I wouldn't. I don't know, I love being with Michael, but..." he trailed off. I knew he was the only one who used my first name, every one else called me Mikey.

"@jayceeslove asks 'have you ever felt something for each other?' "I said looking at Luke. I wanted him to answer first, because I wanted to know.

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