▲▲ summary▲▲

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Jodie's heart was racing with pure fear. She could hear its beats echoing in her ears as she sprinted for her life. Turning a corner, she faulted. Scrambling to regain her balance a cold, clawed hand found its way around her ankle. In one swift motion she was on the ground, and a dark figure rose on top of her. Raking at the ground Jodie pleaded for her life.

"L- Leave me alone! Please! P -Please don't do this..."

Jodie felt her assailants breath, hot on her face as she crept closer. A woman with protruding teeth and alien blue skin came into focus. The anger in her eyes burned pure making Jodie fall silent. The woman placed her hand over the brunette's neck, slowly speaking the words that made Jodie's blood run cold.

"Where is she? Where is Allison"

Running away was what Jodie was best at. She was a nomad of sorts, moving between social circles whenever things got too hot and heavy. Somehow she'd always convince herself that this time was different, that now she was finally in control. But the outcome was always the same, and the brunette was left alone, sitting at the local aquarium, watching the jellyfish dance behind the transparent glass.

Two things she could trust to be steadfast- the fish she'd spend hours sketching, and her family. But the McAlister family is far from normal, and eventually the secrets held by her father caught up to him. One explosive break up later and Jodie was without a mother, a home, and a life.

Now the family was on route to Beacon Hills. Jodie thought the sleepy town was the worst place to run to, but unbeknownst to her this time she wasn't running. She was drawn there, and this sleepy town held all the answers she needed- along with a fight that would unlock her inner strength.

  ↣ from season four, episode two  

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