I Don't Give A Flying Fuck

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I woke up from my nightmare my ivory colored skin covered in a thin layer of sweat. I looked around me taking in my surroundings like I do every time I wake up from a nightmare. My gray walls bland and my navy duvet a small drop of color in a sea of neutrals. My nightstand is cluttered with half full water bottles that I need to drink and my desk full of "almost" done assignment, before the officials do a house and room inspection next week. I grab my old GPhone and check the time.

"Crap! I'm going to be so late!" I whisper-yell to myself, throwing back my covers and jumping out of bed. Only to land on the floor. I jog over to my dresser and grab the standard issued clothing, a grey t-shirt and dark brown pants, and get dressed.

I walked into my small bathroom and examined myself. My pale skin looked ghostly in the dim light, and my small nose had a small spatter of freckles across it, making my freakish green eyes even more noticeable, and my red hair was a wavy mess. I ran a brush through my hair, wincing in slight pain as the brush tugged in stubborn tangles. I brushed my teeth and ran out the door, into the underground hallway where everyone was shuffling slowly along as if we were cars in traffic. I saw the back of my best friend's head and pushed through the mass of people to get to her earning me some dirty looks and a few rude remarks.

"Ugh! Finally Lena! Where have you been? I've had to keep myself busy the entire time you were gone!" my best friend, Rachel whined. I smirked at her and fell into step with everyone else.

"I've been trying to get to you! Well, actually I've been trying to get to the Trans, if I'm going to be totally honest. I really wouldn't care if you weren't here." I said trying to keep a straight face while looking ahead.

"Ha-ha, you're hilarious." Rachel said her tone dripping with sarcasm, but she was smiling. She turned around and looked at me whilst walking backwards, "Anyways, have you heard the news?" she asked dropping her voice slightly, I laughed and shook my head as she turned back around.

"Well apparently that kid who sits behind us in Bi-Ec was arrested last night for trying to hack into the Nork's database for the rebel organization." she said matter-of-factly. At the mention of the rebels I froze, my knees locked and I stood staring straight ahead thinking of my family.

Memories I had long tried to forget shot through my head, like a bullet ricocheting off my inner skull. My dad's laughter, his daring green eyes which I inherited and the crow's feet on the corner of his eyes which always crinkled when he laughs- laughed. My mother's caring attitude, her dark red hair that I see every day in the mirror, her full mouth which was always smiling. My sweet little sister, her high pitched squeal she would use when I chased her around our house, her small hands which felt so familiar when I would hold them in my own.

I didn't remember getting pushed to the floor, I don't remember Rachel trying to get to me through the now rushing crowd, and I don't remember the strong stranger picking my seemingly lifeless body from the ground. I don't remember the gunshots, or the explosion. I don't remember my scream.


I wake up in a strange bed, the small overhead light seems brighter than it should be. I take in surrounding for what feels like the hundredth time today. The small white room cramped with medical equipment. The small bed I'm in has a hard mattress and the pillow feels like it's made out of sand paper. The hospital, of course.

I slowly attempt to sit up, using my elbows for support. Bad move. I groan and fall back onto the pillow clutching the back of my head, pain spiking through my brain. The heart rate, pain, and brain monitor start beeping at the same time making my headache even worse. The door opens and a nurse rushes in holding a tray and a clipboard. She turns off the monitors after scribbling the final data onto her clipboard and wheels them all out one by one.

She put the clipboard on the edge of the counter next to me. I scramble out of bad ignoring the swaying and groaning I do while steadying myself, despite the shooting pain I feel. I look over the medical report, nodding my head along till I come to the name of the person who brought me here, expecting to see Rachel's name.

"Bryan Foster? Who the hell is that?" I mumbled to myself, not even hearing the door open and shut behind me.

Someone coughs behind me causing me to whirl around, but of course I forgot that I'm not that steady on my feet. As I start to go down I feel the air pop (weird I know), but I don't hit the ground. I land in my second time saviors strong arms.

"I don't believe we have properly met," he says his voice accented, "my names Bryan." he says shyly while staring at me with his warm brown eyes. I slowly nod not breaking my eye contact with him, but I notice pretty much everything about him, how his grey shirt makes his tan skin pop, how his blond hair made a small halo around his head because of the light. How when his strong arms slowly lifting me back to my feet, flexed, so I could properly stand up.

I let go of him and looked away, brushing myself off I spot my boots at the corner of the bed and slowly walk towards them. Seeing what I'm doing he takes my elbow as if to support me. Annoyed I shrug off his arm and whirl on him.

"What do you want? I'm not a helpless little puppy who you need to watch okay? I can take care of myself." I snapped, suddenly feeling angry and helpless. His eyes went wide and he seemed surprised, but then he smirked. Oh dear god, that was sexy.

"What I save your life, make sure you don't get another concussion, witness you slowly undressing me with your eyes whilst I stand you on solid ground, and you have the nerve to be mad at me?" he said crossing his arms halfway through his smirking rant.

"Yeah I do, wanna know why?" I ask him. He nods his head once, because that's some sort of universal 'Yes' for guys.

"I don't give a flying fuck about you saving my goddamned life, I don't care about a freakin concussion, and I don't care if you helped me stand up, yeah I bet that gave you a big sense of accomplishment. I also was not undressing you with my eyes, if I wanted that done I'd do it with my hands, which I don't want to happen." I said, crossing my own arms while simultaneously taking one step closer to him till I was in his face by the end of my perfectly time back sass.

He just stood there, arms crossed, that hot smirk on his face, leaning against the counter. What a dick. I turned on my heel and grabbed my shoes as I walked out, stooping down and grabbing them in one swift motion. Not stopping for anything as I walked out the door.


Hey guys! So this is my first book and I am so sorry that it probably sucks. I promise you once I get the hang of writing I will be better (I hope) and if you have actually read this far into my horrible book then I honestly love you. So please add this to your library, comment, vote, and enjoy! Doing that would mean everything to me, so please do!

  For now,                  


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2015 ⏰

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