Chapter 1

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After a long day of work I sat on the couch with my book of Norse legends. I felt my eyelids getting heavy an soon I was asleep. I dreamt of a boy. A boy in dark clothing and long black hair. He had blue eyes that pierced into my soul.

I sat up startled. I looked over and saw my book laying on the ground. I decided to actually get in bed. I put my pajama shirt on, but decided to skip the pants because it was so hot. I snuggled in and fell asleep.

I was awaken by a bright light. It couldn't be morning yet, my alarm hasn't even gone off. I opened my eyes and saw a man. A man in my room! He was dressed in dark clothing and had slicked back ebony locks.

" if you want money my purse is by the door, silverware is in the kitchen, and the jewelry box is behind you." I said trying to stay calm.

" stupid mortal." The man hissed, " I want your voice."

What? This guy is insane! I looked at him confused.

He dialed something into a phone.

" Hello, you have reached the emergency number for SHIELD..." there's a break in the recording. "THOR OF ASGARD!... OH YES JANE! MORTAL TELL ME YOUR WILL AND I SHALL ASSIST YOU WHEN THIS BLACK BOX DELIVERS THE DIRCTIONS!"

The man turned to me smirking, " speak!" He hissed.

I just stared at him unaware of what to say. Maybe something like HELP! A CRAZY PSYCHOPATH HAS KIDNAPPED ME! But that might get me killed or something.

" your name and location, mortal!"

I leaned to the object," this is Melani Brown, I am in New York, NY."

" and who your with?"

"I'M BEING KIDNAPPED BY THIS MAN..." I was cut off by the man yelling at me.

" GOD!! I AM A GOD YOU DULL CREATURE!!!" He yelled at me. He brought the phone to his lips and spoke in a silky voice," you hear that brother? I'm taking this mortal for my prisoner. I have sent your weapon of strength, Mjolnir, to a place even I do know not. And I will remain hidden with this mortal for one moon cycle. If you do not find me she will die and your precious planet will be bleed until there are no mortals left to inhabit it. I just ask you don't rush. We immortals have all the time in the world, but Melani's life is wearing thin." With that he finished the call. Then I realized this was Loki, an that was Thor. Like from my book.

I stared at the insane Asgardian in front of me. "Oh," Loki cooed as he took my head in his hands,"Do not fear me, my mortal. What have you to fear, but to fear itself? Life is your world's greatest lie. You are born then you die."

" And what of your life? Is it also a great lie?" I reply.

He glared at me. Then Loki grabbed my arm and dragged me into my living room.

Loki, the God of MischiefWhere stories live. Discover now