Chapter one

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( A/n: okay this one is just about the two girl, maybay 10-11-12?? Chapters??)

Maxie just a young girl along with Lucy, both lesbians ( sorry for being rude...) and well, they both fell is love with each other and not, and not known the other one had a crush on the other.... This is how it went!

Maxie: *talking to Lucy about Pokèmon*
Lucy: I still think Eve is is better then Pikachu!
Maxie: *giggles* well I still like that Pokèmon but I love Pikachu!
Lucy: Hmm, what ever you say *whispers* love...
Maxie: ... *lightly blushes* Love you too Lucy...
Lucy:*gasps* You love me too?! * squeals** pecks her on the cheek, and smiles*
Maxie: *touches cheek Lucy just kisses* *giggles* so... when our first date?

( Another A/n: sorry this chapter is short😓)

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