Chapter 1<3

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"Bree! Get down off that phone and down stairs! Remember, you have summer camp!"


" OK! I'll be down in five!"

Crap, I was only in my pajamas. Good thing I took a shower last night. I slide into high wasted shorts and put on a crop top that says Paris with a black and white Eiffel Tower picture.

I went in the bathroom to comb my hair strait and pinned my side bangs up.

After I was done, I put one hand on the mirror.

"Your going to do great today'' I said to myself letting a tear slip."

"Bree! Your going to be late!

Time to make new friends and shit! I grabbed my TARDIS slouch bag that I packed last night with my phone and ran to the car.

My Mom drove me to the bus stop and I was the last one to get on. The smiley counselor gave my mom the sign-in-sheet.

She stroked my hair "Make some friends today, OK honey?

"Alright, I will" I said giving her a small smile. She smiled back and I stepped on the bus.

It was dead silent except for this 11 year old crying for his mommy.



Hey guys! This is my first story!

I hope you you like this story when you start to read it!

I am not an expert so please do not leave hate comments! Don't be afraid to tell me to update when I am not updating for a long time!

Please vote if you would like to read more!

I will do a little Q&A at the end of each chapter!

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