Chapter One: Afraid

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When I looked into the mirror, I sighed. Looking at my own sight made me realize something. "People can only see me on the outside, and what's in the inside. They can't tell who I really am, and that's just how I want it, but it has a price," I said to myself. I mumbled it to the mirror everyday to keep myself in reality.

Everything is dark in the mornings, like everyone else's souls. I get up early to go outside and let out some steam by hunting a few small animals. I also like to relax by watching the moon's reflection in the lake's crystal blue water. The sound of little fish splashing in the delicate sight is a calming sound I like to hear as I watch. The moon is but a silver coin; small and shining in the starry night sky, but is so valuable. It appears nothing of importance, but is so much more by being a work of beauty. Sometimes, I feel as if the moon, is me.

I sit by the lake thinking of how blessed, and cursed I am. About how I was the one chosen to live this rugid life. I'm nothing more than a big, frightening dog beast, with nothing but cold blood and fear running through my veins. But inside, I'm just a scared soul with no one to be with. I'm here for a few hours, listening to the movement of the grass blowing in the wind. I eventually grow tired, and head off back to bed for a little while.

Sometimes, I feel unable to get up because I seem to sink into the soft, warm sheets of my so called "bed". I'm in another world, trying to wake up every time I go to bed. I then eventually get up and get dressed. I put on my torn red and black flannel over my white tee shirt with some old, ripped denim jeans. I then put on my grey and electric blue converse over my plain white socks.

I grabbed my book bag and headed downstairs. As I going towards the door, I noticed how my eyes shined bright glistening blue from the gold frame of my mirror on the wall. "Oh no." I mumbled to myself. "The effects didn't seem to wear off like they were supposed to; unless I'm angry, dressed, or in pain." When I think about it, I already go through all three everyday. I try to contain myself, while watching to the shade of blue slowly fade away, and then watched the color of brown come back. I felt relieved for once in my lifetime, for now.

I walked outside, while the smell of fresh air engulfed my nostrils. I just adore nature, expect for the people in it who decide to tear it apart. As I walked down to my bus stop, a frown grew on my face when I saw four jocks standing at the stop. I slowly made it there, listening to the sound of my feet clamping to the ground. When I got there, all four guys approached me with wicked grins spread across their faces.

"You're in the wrong place, freak." one of the guys said while roughing up my brown hair with blonde-highlighted ends. The dude had short brown hair, and brown sparkling eyes. He was wearing a red and black football jacket with some black jeans. He had Nike high tops on that were red and white. They had red and black laces, which meant he was overall bad luck in general. (pick above is him)

The guy behind him then piped up and said, "Ya, this is a place for cool kids, not for dorks like you." My eyes had then wondered off to see his hand. He was wearing so many rings that you couldn't even count them all. I had to make sure to keep clear of him in class; great, one more thing to worry about. Then out of the blue, the black haired kid shoved me into the telephone pole and said, "Get out while you still can, punk."

Just about then is when the bus came screeching to a halt in front of us. You could smell the burnt rubber and oil of the bus hit you instantly. As I was about to enter through the door, one kid bumped me into the side of the door of the bus. "You don't belong here," he mumbled to me under his breath. I then just got onto the bus, holding my arm where I had gotten hit. I am truly afraid.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. It might be a while in between chapters because its my first book, so give me a break. It may be day, weeks, or even months in between since I have school, so just letting u know now so u dont hound me with comments. Keep kool my pack, and read on! -Wolf E.

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