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Okay peeps! So, first ever Assassin's Creed fanfic. Now I know how it might sound to some of you at first. But if you just PLEASE give me a chance, I would very much appreciate it. I also think that alot of you will like it! So, *fingers crossed!* LET'S DO THIS!!! Please.........


The bustling city of New York happily went about it's morning as usual. Parents woke their children up for school, men got ready for work at the factories and shipyards. Merchants began opening their stands and let the smells of their food waft into the street. Once the people were ready, they began piling into the streets, ready to begin another day of errand running.

Since the British left, the people had made Mr. George Washington their president. Everybody just knew he was going to be a good leader. Even though alot of people doubted his wit and skills. They had even elected other men to serve, making a whole government. Nobody knew how well this was all going to work out, so fast and sudden, but nobody really complained either. Nobody wanted to challenge the new order just yet. However, one man had already made plans to ensure they stepped out of office early, and make room for a new king.

As people walked on, a crow flew across the sky and cried out in short cawing noises. Many of the superstitious people stopped in their tracks and what they were doing to look up and catch a glimpse of the large, black bird. Sillohetted against the bright blue sky.

"That's a bad omen," one old woman said. Everyone around her agreed and went on with their business.

Meanwhile, on top of the nearest building, a cloaked man stood and watched the world below him. He swiped a few strands of white hair from his pinkish-red eyes. He scowled as he stared at the humans below. He just snorted and a puff of smoke wafted from his nose. He then walked to the other side of the building.

He pulled out a silver flask from a pocket in his cloak and started to twist off the cap. He stopped when he heard the cawing of the crow. He stared up at the sleek figure of the bird and lifted the cloaks hood from his face, letting his long, pure white hair hang at the sides of his face. He grinned slightly, exposing layers of sharp teeth.

When the bird flew overhead of him a single feather seemed to just pop out from the back of his wing. The white haired man reached out a hand and let the feather silently float into his palm. He pulled back his hand and held the feather up to his face. The crow, ominously cried once more in the distance.

The man rubbed his thumb along the top of the glossy black feather and held it up to the morning sun. Hints of blue and green glistened on it.

"This prophecy is sure to be interesting," he grinned to himself, "I'm interested to see how far they go," he let go of the feather and watched it drift off in the breeze. He turned and started to walk off, but stopped and turned back around as if he had fogotten something. He pulled his flask back out and took a sip from it. He twisted the cap back on and said to himself, "I wonder what they would die for..."

* * *

I stopped in my tracks and twisted myself around to stare at the blindingly bright blue sky. I thought I had heard something. I squinted my eyes against the brightness and even raised my hand to my face to shield my eyes further. Lo and behold, there it was, a crow. A tiny black dot against the blue. What I had heard was his cawing.

I lowered my hand back to my side and made a disgusted look, I thought it was something more important than a dumb bird. I turned away and started making my way, once again, through the streets of Boston.

After a while, the stench of recent flames, ash, and smoke filled my nose. I quickened my pace and soon turned a corner that revealed a crowd of people standing by the steps of a recently burned down series of buildings. I ran up to join the crowd and tried to see over them. When I couldn't see past their heads, I started pushing my way through the crowd to see what all the commotion was about.

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