Chapter 1; Dear Ella; What If

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Dear Ella, it has been three months since the accident, and three months since I held your hand. Your hand was a peach, soft and balmy in mine.
I've kept my distance from you and turned a blind eye when I knew you were looking at me. I miss you, of course I do. But this has to stop. You have to stop running into me and I have to stop writing long letters with what ifs and maybe it could have been us.

But maybe I don't, and maybe you should do more than just run into me.

What if? What if we decided to change our names and go someplace where we can be just us? Where the cameras haven't been flashing and where we won't be seen.

Where you can be you and I can be me...

More to come...
Love Rubes xo

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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