Your Enemies are Your Friends

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"Five minutes till show time," said one of the stage crew.
Tonight , as always, I was proforming a a local dinner in organ. The only reason I didn't quit was, because it was the only job I could get that mached my time scedual. And to be honest, im surprised I haven't been fired. The reason why I though this was because at the end of every Saturday, the crowed always booed at my songs, or at my outfit, and even how I looked. And most of the time I agreed I had: short dark brown hair, dull green eyes, and a small nose. I was tall and had no body strength and could barly walk with out tripping or talk with out saying something wronge.

"It's time, and hey dont screw up," whined Alec, like always.
But I ignored him and walked up on stage. Then immediately I heared,
"Her aging". "you couldn't find someone new". "when are you going to give us some talent" I was about to back out intell I seen my best friend, Caroline. Shes been there since day one.

"There's a fire starting in my heart
it reaching a fever pich, bringing me out the dark
finnaly I can see you crystal clear
Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay
your shit bare
see how I leave with every piece of you
don't undestamate the things that I will do

There's a fire starting in my heart
Reaching a fever pitch
And it's bringing me out the dark

The scars of your love reminds me of us
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all
The scares of your love, they keep me breathless
I can't help feeling
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside of your hand
And you played it, to the beat

Baby, I have no story to be told
But I've heared one on you
And I'm gonna make your head burn
Think of me in the depths of your dispair
Make a home there
As mine sure wont be shared

The scars of you love remind me of us
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all
The scars of your, they leave me breathless
I can't help feeling
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You have my heart inside of your hand
But you played it, with a beating

Throw your soul though every open door
Count your blessings to find what yiu look for
Turn my sorrow into treasured gold
You'll pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow
We could have had it all
We could have had it all

Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside of your hand
And you played it to the beat

We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside of your hand

But you played it
You played it
You played it
You played it to the beat.

When I had finshed I looked in to the crowed and saw that everyone had a shocked look on their face. They must have tought I would fail but no to night failure mabey, mabey another day , but right now I'm going to celebrate.

"You were amazing," Carolina shouted. "I knew you could do it." She was so excited every one was looking at us .

"Cares clam down, I mean come on who doesn't like Adele." I was so happy that for one I didn't leave the stage with every one booing at me.


"What," I had spun around only to find Darrel

"I said luck. You got lucky," he said

"There is no such thing as luck," I said not wanting to belive what he was saying.

"Are you sure about that , because there just no other way to explain what you did out there," Darrel moked as he got I my face.

"Hey leave her alone," Caroline said trying to end this.

"If I were you , tramp I would shut my mouth. We dont want thoes photos getting out now would we," Darrel threatened.

About a year ago Caroline and Darrel were dating but it ended badly. Long story short he snuck in her room and took pictures of her in the shower with out her knowing. Now its been a endless fight between them two.

This made her mad, and what came out next was shocking.
"Well just because Jasmine can't sing, or dance, or well anything in general doesn't mean we tall her to her face! I thought we agreed not to say anything about her not liked!" Once she finshed every thing was quiet. "What"

Darrel had a amused look on his face while I on the other had was struggling not to cry. So I ran out. I ran so fast and so far I got lost in the woods, but I didn't stop then I just keept running.

When I got tired I stopped and caught my breath. How long had Caroline pretened to be my friend. Then came the tears, I cried about Caroline; my fake friend, my parents; who died in a car crash, my uncle; the drunk, and my existence.

When I finshed I stated walking and came upon Granny's Dinner. I took a right and started walking twords my uncles house.

As I got there I, I heared yealling. I knew what it was, it was Mrs.Dander the towns slut, also Caroline's I went though my bedroom window. When I got in my room I saw a man on my bed.

"Who the fuck are you," I yelled. Slowly pulling me knife I carried in my boot.

"Well there's no need to get out that knife, because it wont work," the stranger said. "My names Fear."

"Well Fear, get the hell out!" I yelled.

"Not intell we talk,"he said.

"About what,"slightly scared.

"How you're able to see me ," Fear said in a serious voice.

"What do you mean see you. Im not blind," I stated getting anxious. I wanted to be alone after what happen.

"Well consideren humans aren't spouses to see me and my brothers," Fear said with curiosity.

"Great you have inviable brothers," I said sarcastically. "I'm guessing I'm spouse to ask what are their name," I said clearly annoyed.

"Well since you asked their names are: joy, depression, wrath, and my sisters: lust, sloth, gluttony, greed, envy, and pride."He answer proudly.

"So your brothers and sisters are emotions and the seven deadly sins," I said In disbelief.

"Yes." He said getting up and exsaming the stuff in my room. He stop when he found a pictuer of my family before the car accident.

"Is this your mom," he said frightened.

"Yes," I said getting tired of this crazyness.

"No wonder," he said to him self and in the next minuted he was gone. Suddenly I felt so tired I passed out on the floor.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

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