They'll never forget about you (1D fanfic)

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  • Dedicated to Maddie

"So Jordan, you've been datin' Louis Tomlinson for how long?" The interviewer asked

"I've been dating Lou for 3 years." I told her with a wide smile.

"How is it going on tour with your boyfriend and his best mates?"

"I've got to tell you, it's hard. You really are like a family in a small, small area of living, sometimes you can't go out to see the girls, or to dinner. But, when you say something they will honestly listen and tell you what's wrong with it. My old boyfriend never ever listened. These boys they can't forget about you. "

"Do you think this boy band will stay together or will they go into solo careers? 'Cause NSYNC stayed together for 5 years."

"They will stay together. If someone asked if they would do a solo career they would decline it in a heartbeat. They are honestly brothers. A lot of teenage girls tweet me and the guys saying if you weren't here neither would I. They help their fans through so much they save girls lives. So they will be together for a while."

"Since you and Lou have been together for 3 years what do you think will happen in the future?" She asked with a smug smile.

"I think on our anniversary he will propose. That's my opinion though." I said.

"Thank you. For today." She said. We ended the interview and I walked outside to meet some fans then drive back to the hotel. I met a girl who hugged me and said

"The boys and you make me smile when i'm broken." She cried.

"Come with me." I pulled her along to my car and drove towards Starbucks. I wanted to get to know her so bad. She seams like she's sweet enough for Niall.

We got to Starbucks, we ordered, and I paid.

"So what's your name?" I asked her

"Cassadee." She smiled brightly

"How old are you Cassadee?"

"I'm 19."

"Alright, who's your favorite in the band?"


"Good, because I think you're cute and you have a great personality!" I look at the door and I see Niall walk in so I wave him over. Cassadee saw and she said

"You're Niall Horan!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2013 ⏰

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