The Legend of the Fallen Angels

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Once apon a time there was a young girl. With a good and warm soul. Every day she went to a cliff behind a wonderful wood. At the cliff she listened to the wind and thought about god and the world. One day she stand near the cliff and watched the waves under her but she tooked a false step and flew from the cliff. It was a long fly but at least she touched the cold and icy water and died in a few minutes. But she wasn't scared because she knew god was with her and he had a plan for her life. As she closed her eyes a last time she saw the face of god and she heard his wonderful voice. Little girl, he said, for you I have a special plan. There will be a man. He is your desteny but he's going to life in a hundret years. So you are going to be an angel, your soul and your spirit will walk through this world to protect the people, to show them the right ways. You will show the lost souls the way to me and where I can't see the bad things in this world you will be there to protect the people. And when the time is there you are going to fall. Fall to the world in your body again to find your desteny. But be carefull, you will be a little bit diffrent. You will be magic and full of light. The creatures of satan are going to catch and to mord you. Because they want the power of your light to change it into power of darkness.
And so, since the beginning of time sometimes souls have to wait for there destenies and protect in between the people of this world.
But never forget we will show you always the right way but you have to walk it and you have to want to hear us.

Hallo Leute,
ich hoffe euch hat die Legende gefallen. Es ist meine erste Legede und es freut mich, wenn ihr ganze viele commies und likes dalasst. ;) Damit ich mich verbessern kann, sollte mich mal wieder die Schreibwut packen und mir spontan was tolles einfallen XD .

Eure Jenna_Montoya

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