#1- Your friend tells your crush you like him

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Your best friend knows your biggest secret-- who you like. But what happens when she reveals it to your crush himself in the hallway? His reaction is surprising.

(C/N)--- crush's name

(Y/N)--- your name

(F/N)--- friend's name

The bell suddenly rings, jolting you out of your thoughts. What were you thinking about exactly? The same thing as always. Your crush. Whether it's the way his laugh always makes you laugh too or that one time he smiled at you two months ago, he seems to always be on your mind. You glance at him on the other side of the room, and see him excitedly talking to his guy friends, before you stand up and start gathering your books.

Next to you, your best friend gives a huge sigh, staring at you. "I can't take this anymore," she says, shaking her head. "I just can't."

"What do you mean?" you ask, confused. Both of you start walking out into the hallway, your heels tap-tapping as you make your way through the crowded halls.

"You. And (C/N)."

"HEY! Ssshh!" you hiss out, stopping in your tracks and quickly looking around the crowded hallway. "He could hear you, you know."

"This is what I'm talking about," your best friend faces you head on now. "You're so shy around him. You don't want to let him know that you like him. But that's exactly what you need to do."

"Yeah, yeah," you roll your eyes, hearing the same rant you've heard from her twenty times before. "I'm still working on my plan, you know. It'll work out, I swear."

"Your plan?" you guys begin walking again. "You mean staring at him creepily from a distance for an entire math class?" She snorts. "Great plan."

"Heeeey," you whine. "I'm sorry I'm so shy, okay? I can't change. Anyhow, let's just get to class."

You begin walking again, but pause as you realize your friend isn't following you. She's just staring at you with a mischievous smile plastered on her face. "Actually, I have an idea. A way to speed your six month plan up."

"Wh-what?" you stutter out, getting a sinking feeling in your chest. Your best friend begins walking away, in the opposite direction. Towards... YOUR CRUSH'S LOCKER!

"Hey, (F/N), come back! Stop!" you run after her, desperately convincing yourself that this is all just a dream. A horrid, adrenaline-enthusing, butterfly-inducing dream. Your alarm clock will come beeping in a few short moments, won't it?

Your friend runs up to (C/N)'s locker, stopping abruptly to catch her breath. You begin to feel sick, and sprint up to stop her. Wrapping an arm around her waist, you decide to use manpower to drag her away.

"S-stop! (Y/N) Stop, seriously! C'mon, you're going to thank me for this." She lets out quiet little giggles, before dropping the bomb. "(Y/N) LIKES YOU!"

Time seems to freeze. You stop tugging on your friend's waist. She stops struggling. All eyes seem to be focused on your crush, hanging onto his reaction. His face goes a beet red as he looks side to side uncomfortably. Seconds pass... and he bites his lip, about to say something. But you've heard enough. This reaction gives it all away... he must not like you back.

You yank your arms off of your friend, and spin around before anyone can see the tears pooling in your eyes. How could your friend do this to you? This is utter humiliation! You cannot go back to school after this. The rumors will fly throughout the next period, and you'll forever be known as the girl who got rejected by the guy she likes.

The final bell rings and the halls begin to clear. Blurry faces pass you as you shove your way to the restroom. You are just about to open the door when you feel a hand on your shoulder.

You're almost positive it's a teacher, about to bust you for being late for class, until you slowly turn around. The hand doesn't feel angry, and the fingers don't dig into your shoulder. It feels gentle almost. Careful not to hurt you.

"(Y/N)," your crush says softly, gazing into your eyes. You can hardly breathe, the past five minutes completely forgotten. "I heard what your friend said, and well, I was thinking that I feel the s-same way. You know wh-what I mean? I think I, um, I think I kinda, how do I put this? I-I-"

You laugh softly at hearing him stutter so much. You've hardly ever seen him this nervous before. You get daring and face him full on. "Do you like me back? Yes or no?"

He looks at you for a few seconds, biting his lip. "Yeah," he breaks out into a full grin. "Yeah I do."

Impulsively, you hug him, holding him close and breathing in his scent without being too creepy. Your best friend suddenly emerges from a classroom, a hall pass dangling from her fingers. "I told you you'd thank me," she smirks, before passing you and entering the bathroom.

You and your crush both watch the door swing shut, smiling.

Crush ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora