chapter 1 Vincent gets married

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"Hi kids" Vincent said with a smile. Rebecca comes and kisses Vincent on the cheek. "Vincent you were going to ask me something" Rebecca said. Vincent gets on one knee and pulls ring and says "will you marry me Rebecca" Vincent said. "Yes Yes i will Vincent" Rebecca said. They kissed. The next day they got married. "Vincent" Rebecca said. "Yes honey" Vincent said. "i want a kid" Rebecca said. "Me to" Vincent said 9 months later and it 1 in the morning "Vincent get up" Rebecca said. Vincent wakes up. "are you OK" Vincent said. "No i'm having a baby we need to get to the hospital now" Rebecca said. Vincent Carry's. Rebecca to the car and get her in the back so she can lay down. "Vincent hurry" Rebecca said. "I'm going as fast as i can" Vincent said. Rebecca screams. "Shh honey where here" Vincent said. He got out of the and picked Rebecca and brings her in. The nurse brings them in a room "Vincent i can do this right" Rebecca said. "yes you can do this Rebecca" Vincent said. She had the baby. "is it a boy are a girl" Vincent and Rebecca said at the same time. "Its a girl" The doctor said. "Vincent you can name her" Rebecca said. "How abou brandy" Vincent said. "good name Vincent" Rebecca said. "I know honey" Vincent said. A few days later they got to go home with brandy. "Welcome home guys" Freddy, Foxy, Bonnie, and Chica said. "thank you guys" Vincent and Rebecca said at the same time. "No problem old pal" Freddy said. Rebecca went to talk to Chcia and Bonnie, and Vincent had brandy. "she is so cute" Freddy said. Then brandy started to cry. "No no no" Vincent said. Rebecca runs in. "she is hungry" Rebecca said. "Freddy get me a bottle" Vincent said. Freddy goes to the kitchen and grabs a bottle and, comes back. "Here" Freddy said. Vincent took the bottle. "Thank you Freddy" Vincent said. He feed brandy  and, she stopped crying. "There she fine now" Rebecca said. Vincent smiles. "can i talk to ye" Foxy said. " Yeah sure foxy" Vincent said. "its about ye so how are you laddie" Foxy said. "Fine how about you foxy" Vincent said. "Good" Foxy said. "Thats good foxy" Vincent said. "Vinney" Rebecca said. "Yes Sweety" Vincent said. Rebecca give brandy to Vincent, and Vincent holds her. "She is so cute" Chica said. "i know she is Chica" Vincent said. Chica smiled. "Bonnie come her" Chica said. Bonnie come to Chica smiling. "What is it chica and i got to talk to you" Bonnie said. "ok Bonnie all see you in a sec Vincent" Chica said. Bonnie and chica walked into backstage. "Chica where are just kids right" Bonnie said. "Right" Chica said. "I have fallen in love with someone" Bonnie said. "Who" Chica said. "Freddy" Bonnie said. "Ok cool i love someone" Chica said. "who" Bonnie said. "Foxy" Chica said. Vincent put brandy in her crib. "She is so cute" Vincent said. "Yeah" Rebecca said. "Foxy can i talk to you" Freddy said. "Sure fazbear" Foxy said. "Why do you call me fazbear i don't like it" Freddy said anger. "I like calling you that and i like it" Foxy said. Freddy throw a knife at Foxy and hit hes eye and foxy fell to the floor freddy pull the knife out of foxy's eye and held it in his hand. "Mr. Vincent" Foxy screamed. Vincent ran in, and saw foxy on the floor screaming and crying, and Freddy hold a bloody knife . "Freddy what did you do" Vincent said. "He thrown a knife at me eye and know me eye is bleeding" Foxy said. Vincent grab Freddy and took him to his parents. "Mr. and Mrs. fazbear your son has thrown a knife at Foxy's eye and hit it and now it bleeding" Vincent said. "Fredrick Rodrigo fazbear what did you do" Mr. and Mrs. fazbear said. "I did it in anger" Freddy said. Chica and Bonnie come out of the room. "Foxy" Chica and Bonnie said. "Fredrick go find your brother we are leaving" Mr. and Mrs fazbear said. Freddy goes to find golden Freddy. "Alfred  where are you we are going home" Freddy said."Why" golden Freddy said. "because i throw a knife at bart alfred" Freddy said. Freddy pick up Goldie and takes him to his parents. "lets go mom and dad" Freddy said. Freddy and his brother and parents left. Vincent rushed foxy to the hospital and they fixed his eye, and they came back. "just take it easy foxy" Vincent said. "ok i will" Foxy said. The girls are asleep. "Chica Toy chica your mom is here" Vincent said. Toy chica gets up and picks up her little sister chica, and walks to the door, and they go home. "tonnie get up and get your sisters" Vincent said. Tonnie got up and got spring trap up, and both got plushtrap and Bonnie and left.

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