Introduction and Contest Entry

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Well, with three votes in the end, it looks like I'm hosting the Pokémon Writing Challenge! (don't worry, jessgrono; I still have a story being worked out as we speak.....) And believe me; I am quite excited to host this small marketing ploy....I mean fun competition for you all! Now, in this challenge of pure writing and semi-skill, there will be many contests that we will participate in. I'm excited to see who enters and who lasts the longest. *starts laughing evilly*

The rules? Simple - Every round, there will be a writing prompt for a one-shot you need to write (I'd make a one-shot book, with how many prompts you'll hopefully have to write). The prompt will be to write about a certain topic of my choice in any way you would like, as long as it includes the specified feature. This one-shot must...

*Have no less than 1000 words and no more than 10000 words

*Include the prompt feature I'm looking for

*Have no swearing above the level of words like "damn" and "hell" (you can use f*** and s*** if needed for your plot, but they must be censored the way I censor them. Any other swears, for the sake of the kiddies that could join, must be approved by me) and...

*Only mentioning of mature subjects to further your plot, not just for f**** sake.

I need about two to four more judges and as many contestants as there are people who want to join. Just comment on this book (you could PM, but I'd rather you comment) your username, where I could find your one shots, and how much you love Meowth. Throughout the rounds, two people will be elimated every time after all the one shots have been graded and judged. We will continue until someone wins, or we have a face-off, depending on how many people enter.

They will be judged with a point system I made myself, but based on the Pokémon Watty's system and NyxAbsol's system, who used the system of someone I don't know. There are two categories, the Technical Category and the Personal Category. The Technical Category talks about the physical quality of the book, rated in this way...

-Grammar- 10 points

-Word Choice/ Vocabulary- 10 points

-Pacing and Flow- 10 points

-Originality- 10 points

-Necessary Inclusions (see above)- 10 points

...These are things that are about the book and the book itself. However, I feel that how the reader feels is just as important as all the technical stuff. I mean, a book can have perfect grammar and still be cliché and boring. For this reason, I am also including a personal category. This includes...

-Character Depth- 10 points

-Plot Originality- 10 points

-Enjoyable Mood (if it wants to make you laugh, does it make you laugh?)- 10 points

-Well written Pokémon- 10 points

-Overall Quality- 10 points

You can get, at maximum, 50 points in each category. The judges and I will rank the categories and average them out. I will post all the final scores in a chapter (if you want individual point totals for your one-shot, I'd be happy to give you them if you ask). The lowest score in the Technical Category or the Personal Category are unfortunately out of the competition. If one person got the lowest in both, we'd have a tiebreaker between the two second lowest in either category. The way I worked it, I think at least, is a fair way of deciding how a story truly is, both with skill and grammar. On top of this, the highest scorer in either category gets a special treat in the next competition, just to have people go for number one.

Now there IS a small payment to join.


*You must follow me for at least the rest of the competition, so you can get any emergency notifications.

*You must send me (whether a random thought in your head or tell me a chapter of your story) an 3-5 sentence example of what you think is your top writing quality in a PM. This makes it easier for me to judge, as well as me getting a glimpse of how this will go. You cannot be eliminated based on your writing quality when posting this tidbit of writing.


*You must follow me for at least the rest of the competition, so you can get any emergency notifications.

*You, instead of writing, must read any one shot (I recommend the ones from the Pokémon Wattys) and review it in a PM sent to me. This helps me learn how you review, and what you take into account for writing.

So does it sound like fun? Then enter! I'm holding the entries until I get a decent amount of people and I want to wait until Blue can join to either judge or be a member, and we'll have a great time (as long as you love Meowth....). So I'll see you at the beginning!

(Just a quick notice, though, please scroll through every comment on this section to make sure that there are already enough judges. I can only take four, at maximum.)

Hope to see ya here!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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