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"FiNd HeR!"
"She can't be too far!"
Voice screamed in hushed voices. Steadying themselves to search for the thief.
"I'vE fInAlLy CaPtUrEd ThEm AlL aNd ShE dArEs To StEaL tHeM aWaY!!!!"
"My lord we still have their bodies-"

The lord's voice echoed through his domain. He was not calm, not by a long shot.
"ExAcTlY! WiThOuT tHe SoUlS tHeIr BoDiEs ArE uSeLeSs!!! ThEiR sOuLs ArE tHe WiLl Of ThEiR eLeMeNt!!!!! WhAt Am I To Do WiTh EmPtY ShElLS!!!!"
Understanding his lord's point the lower ranked demon was silenced.

Hanging above them were four crosses.
Each cross held one being that had pure white wings, chained to it.
The creatures chained were born in the first millennium. When mankind began to rise to power, their
existence was needed.

Rising from his throne, the lord glared at the body on the crucifix that hung from his view.
"CeLoSiA. YoUr SiStEr WiLl PaY."
The maiden on the cross had fiery hair, though now she had no soul, her beauty remained. Her allies, as well as herself, will never age. Even if another millennium comes, they will remain.


Her wings helped her escape with the souls she stole stored in her necklace. Entering her domain through a portal before it closes she crashed landed. Her body trembled as blood trickled down her abdomen and arm. Her white wings were damaged from spears that were thrown at her from the escape. Pulling herself together she limps into her lonely castle.

A trail of blood was left behind with every step she took. Ignoring her own pain she continued her way to the indoor garden. Her castle allowed the moonlight to shine upon its garden that rested in the center of its structure. That demon lord had no idea what power she held. If only he knew, he would have found a way into her domain to stop her.

The archangel's golden eyes grew heavy as she made it to the center. Everything was hazy to her. Shaking away the haze she moved forward to the very middle. A golden symbol appeared where she stood before appearing above her as well. Levitating in the air. With her eyes closed, the necklace of hers glows. Breaking off its chain and shining even more.

Her hands cupped the glowing charm, allowing it to shine ever so brightly. Her golden aura shoots into the sky, she released all of her power as she offered the glowing orb higher. Five small individual lights came out of the glowing orb. A scene of four different women with pregnancy strips appeared before her. The lights parted from each other to enter their individual scene.


Exhausted from everything that had recently happened, the angel's aura disappears. She collapsed on the ground. Before passing out she heard the screams of joy from the soon to be mothers. They wanted a child. If not for the archangel, those positive signs may never have come to be for the mothers were suppose to have negatives.

"They should not live in a world full of war, despair and separation. Instead of a world of love and joy. I..I want to see them smile. Smile like they did before this happened."
The archangel was having lingering thoughts before passing out.
"To live in a world where they were bounded by destiny is not a place for happiness. That is why....."

The scenery changed to the girl praying as she stood above a lake. Tears poured from her eyes.
".....please let us be free." In truth, this was the first time in more than a century she had been able to be so close to her sister. Her twin. A soft melody is sung as she kept her prayer, all the way till darkness took her sight. Unlike the others, her body disappeared in specks of light.

An everlasting smile was plastered on her face. Eternal sleep had taken her.
If she were not wounded, she wouldn't be so tired. Her body suffered greatly from defensive battle and fighting in general.  Even if she rested she wouldn't survive. For she had cast her own soul out with the others, guiding them to rebirth.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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