The First Time I "Talked "To Him

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Hey this is Jewels and sorry if I write terrible it's my first  time writing a story anyway hope you love it   
I entered social studies class my 6th class of the fist day of school I didn't really pay much attention to anyone around me (since most of them are in my other classes.)For the first two weeks of school I didn't really care who was in my class since I don't really care about who is in it just that I'm passing all my classes with good grades.
My friends call me a nerd just cause I have pre-ap classes and love school and get what I call awesome grades 90+grades

All of this changed when Mr.Sanders ( my social studies teacher)didn't come and there was a sub there the sub was nice.He wasn't mean he wasn't strict he actually laughed with us when my class mates Liz,Val,Denise,Leah,Natalia,A.J., Elena,Ana,Johnny Charles,J.J.said something funny or did something funny.
The class was almost over and we didn't do that much work since we were all laughing for most of the class. The sub asked me to pick up the papers and I did so when it came to pick up J.J.'s paper I just heard him talk to me I couldn't understand what he was telling me but he kept on moving his eyebrows up and down and so I took out the tongue at him with a playful smile with it. I gave the papers to the sub and I looked back at the clock to check what time it was when Ana was looking at me.
At first I didn't know that I hurt her feelings in one way since Ana was my best friends friend she told me that she liked J.J. and since I didn't know I kind of fell under his spell if u know what I mean. I didn't know that she liked him so I tried to take my mind off him but I couldn't I just couldn't. Then how we first kind of talked to eat other me and J.J., how can I ever forget that. What can I do this is the guy I like and I can't even think about it for the sake of one of my friends is friends. I can't stop thinking of him and now I'm basically forbidden to like him.
Yea it's true this happened
This is for reals
Life is unfair
I know
Hopefully you liked it

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