Chapter 1

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I don't know how long I was awake but I had just gained awareness now. I reached up to touch my face. Why was I crying? What's going on? Then I remembered the dream I had... But why was that something to cry about?


The dream started with a snowy day and my family and I were walking down the sidewalk. We noticed a very bright and lit up house. (There's always someone trying to out shine everyone else when it comes to decorations)

So we sat outside to admire it for a while when the owner popped out and offered us cookies. Of course we took it.the owner was a woman. She was blonde and kind of old looking like those adults who try too hard and can't get a hold of the fact that people age. She was also really tan.

I pushed those thoughts aside and focused on my cookie. Then I noticed the son and daughter of hers who looked nothing like her. They were tall and pale with dark brown hair. This really got my attention that I didn't notice my mom trying to put hot chocolate in my hand and I dropped it.

All of a sudden I was in their house (ugh, dream transportation) and apparently the moms parents lived with them. There was a photo on the wall of a little pale dark haired girl with those parents.

My dream was putting me into a hazy awareness. "Who's that" happened to slip through my mouth before I could stop it.

"That's her out there" the grandmother nudging her head towards the slightly aged blonde.

"But it can't be" as I try to compare the picture to the person. "What happened to her" more words that escaped my mouth without my permission.

"Well she used to have cancer... We all did." She spoke softly. "And she thought that since there was something wrong with her everything about her at that time was wrong. So once the cancer passed she went out and changed herself completely. Her hair, her skin. She's even wearing contacts to keep people from seeing her real eye color." said the woman. "What's wrong dear?" little had I noticed that I had a tear coming down my cheek. I turned away so she wouldn't see and I happened to look out the window and saw that the woman was treating her children so poorly. "Poor Danny. She doesn't even know how to control it."

I turn my head to look at the woman. "Danny's your daughter?"

"Mhm" then I just stared at her throwing her children around, telling them that they're doing wrong.

My mom walked in and caught me staring so she pulled me out of the house. While I was being dragged ask of, the son came to me and asked me of my name. "I'm Sylvia, who are you?"

"I'm Travis" he said. I thought Travis was cute. The paleness of him made his bright green eyes stand out.

"Well Travis it was nice meeting you.... and I'm sorry about your mother" I whispered over to him.

"Please don't say that out loud!" I looked passed his shoulder to see his mom charging towards us. "I have to go now. I look forward to meeting you again" Travis said before grabbing my hand and running away. At that moment I knew there was a dangerous problem with his family.


After his touch I knew he was real. It lingered like a ghosts presence. I memorized the road that we were on. They lived in the neighborhood right next to mine! Now when morning comes I'll go and find this Travis. As a tear fell again, "I must..."



Sorry if this seems to be boring I'm trying to get this interesting. This is actually based off of a dream I just had last night. I really hope you guys like this story

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