Paper Hearts

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09-10 10:00 pm

Voicemail from: Jungkook

"Hey, it's Jungkook. I just wanted to see how your doing. It's really been a while, how are you doing now? You might not want to talk to me anymore, but I just wanted to see how you were. I hope you will forgive me soon.. Answer the phone huh? I want to talk to you. Call me as soon as you can, please.. bye."

Message marked for deletion


09-12 1:00 am

Voicemail from: Jungkook

"Hey, it's Jungkook again. Did you get my message? If you did, can you call me back? I understand if your busy and can't talk but please, call me. I really need to talk to you its important. I miss you.. bye."

Message marked for deletion


09-13 11:11 pm

Voicemail from: Jungkook

"Hey. I know I'm starting to annoy you, but I really want to talk to you~ please call me back alright? I'll explain everything to you okay? Just talk to me, I really really miss you.. Bye"

Message marked for deletion

I won't call him back. I refuse to. Not after what he did to me.


09-15 12:12am

Voicemail from: Jungkook

"Hey it's Jungkook. Look, I know you've received my calls and voicemails and I know your ignoring me. But, can you please just listen to what I have to say? I know your still mad at me, but can you hear me out first? Let's meet up at the park where we usually hang out. Whatever time you want to be there is okay with me, just let me know. Please call back. I swear when I explain this to you and you still don't forgive me, I'll leave you alone. But let's just talk about this alright? Bye"

Message saved


*Ring* *Ring*

You answered your ringing phone without checking who was calling.


"Hello? (Y/N)-ah"

You heard the voice of someone you haven't seen in a while, and definitely did not want to see or hear again.

"What do you want Jeon Jungkook" you answered coldly

Oh how badly you dreaded that name.

"Look I know you're still mad at me-"

"You know damn right I'm still mad. Where the hell were you all this time?! Huh?! Where have you been for the past six months?! Six fucking months?! Did you have fun leaving me alone while you were playing around with that girl?!" you cut him off angrily

"Look, I promise I'll explain that. Meet me at the park at 9pm alright?"

"You better explain yourself well Jeon Jungkook"

"I will. It's been a while, how are-

You ended the call before he could continue. You were still extremely angry at him, you refuse to talk to him unless he explains why he suddenly disappeared. You wanted to know the reason why he ignored you for so long, why he was with that girl instead of you. 

Paper Hearts| Jungkook one shotWhere stories live. Discover now