The Surprise

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{Killian's POV}

I couldn't sleep all night; I haven't been able to sleep for a week, since I asked Mary Margret and David to marry their daughter in fact. I have loved Emma Swan since I laid eyes on the woman, her beautiful blonde hair, her gorgeous eyes... It's happening tomorrow, finally I can ask her to be my wife.

{Emma's POV}

"Good morning mom how are you?" I question as I walk down the stairs, still groggy after a good night's sleep.

"Oh hey Emma, I'm doing just fine, sleep well?"

"Yeah just great! But last night wis kinda strange... Killian we acting so weird last night at dinner. I wonder whats gotten into him!"

Mary Margret turned away quickly and said, "oh who knows... Men are strange."

"Ok now Mom is acting weird, something is up," she thought.

There was a knock on the door, "Who in the would would come knocking at 7:30 in the morning, I'm still in my pajamas," Emma moaned. A she opened the door, there stood Killian with what had to be two dozen roses.

"SUPRISE!!!" He bellowed loud enough to wake all of Storybrooke, if not the whole state.

"Swan I have it all worked out. It's just going to be you and me all day long, love. I've cleared it at the station, David is already working for you, your coming with me, no questions asked. Now, go get dressed love," he said with a wink and that Killian Jones charm he carried with him everywhere he went. "I love you ya know," I say with the biggest grin on my face.

"Well.. that was definitely a surprise," thought Emma, "but what do I wear for this? Maybe I should just play it safe and wear jeans and a nice sleeveless blouse; it is warming up after all, it should be in the mid seventies today with summer approaching. I walk back down and theres Killian waiting patiently. "Alright Captian, lets head out! Bye Mom I'll see you tonight," I call to make her aware that we are leaving. She replies with a soft, "ok have fun you two!" We link hands and walk out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2015 ⏰

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