part 1

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If I could heal your wounds with my tongue I would , Erase those hindering memories from your mind with my body
Wrap my legs around your waist
And ride your imagination into the sunset

I could just hold you in my arms
And let your groans hang from my limbs like  leaves on a tree  . combine our breathing and let the gust of wind sail this ship of wet dreams onto a voyage of love .

famaliarize every crease and crater of your exterior with my hands ,
massage coconut oil into your scalp.
Write poetry along your neck with my lips , all while feeding you erotic fantasies .

If you would let me steer for once maybe all your troubles will vanish. Get you so caught up in how sane I make you feel .
If you would scream my name , tell me where you want it ,

how does it feel ?

Like a bloodstone song . soft and sweet ......
Or after 7 sensual with that R&B rhythm .

If we could just intertwine souls  beyond the cosmos , engulf my skin within yours , admire that glow We release . shining bright , even the suns rays got nothing on us

Let's engage in something so nasty the angels in heaven turn and face the opposite direction.
Grind  every x rated movie to dust .
have cops arrest us for indecency .

If we could just love each other , me and you , without the weight of the world on our shoulders .  allow our love to blossom like a rose and whiter away like its petals ....

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