Jealous Much

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Imagine after a hunt you and the boys go to a bar and you get hit on by a drunk. Sam gets jealous and eventually confesses his feelings for you.

Words: 1556

When you walk into the bar with the boys it smells like stale beer and old BO. This is definitely not where you want to spend the night, but you'll do it for the boys. You sit on a bar stool with one crooked leg and watch Dean go off to play pool. You smirk knowing that the night is going to end with a little extra cash. You turn to your left and see Sam flirting with a girl. She has long blonde hair that she is twirling around her fingers. Her tank top is a dark maroon and it's skin tight. As for her shorts...well she might as well not be wearing any. She was all over him, touching his biceps and laughing at everything he says. He seemed to enjoy it. You were crushed with jealousy and turned around before he saw you. The truth was you've liked Sam ever since you first met him. His brown puppy dog eyes got you, and every other girl out there, every time. He was so tall and handsome. The way his hair fell over his eyes might make him more mysterious to other girls, but to you it was just a cute quirk. He could have any girl he wanted, so why would he want you.

A tiny tear slipped down your cheek so you quickly wiped it away and looked for something to take your mind of him. You spot the bartender and wave him over for a shot of whiskey...or two. You hear someone clear their throat behind you and you slowly turn around. Your eyes widen as you see the man standing behind you. He had blonde hair perfectly swooped upwards and a strong jaw-line. He really was handsome, but his clothes spoke "my dad has money not me." He also had thestrong smell of alcohol on his breath, but if Sam can have fun so can you.

"What's a pretty thing like you doing here all by herself?" He asks. His voice is just as deep as you thought it would be.

"I'm not alone anymore." You smile. Out of the corner of your eye you see Dean stand up and give the man the stink-eye. You wave him off and he reluctantly goes back to the pool game. He understands that he's not the only flirt in the group. Sam's too busy flirting to notice and that kinda hurts, but this man can numb the pain for just a little bit. He sits down next to you.

"My names Chad. You?"

"(Y/N)." Behind him you see Sam eyeing Chad. So now he notices, too late.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Can I buy you a drink?" He smiles and shows you a perfect row of teeth that are a dazzling white.

"Sure." You put your arm on his forearm and Sam tenses up. Chad waves over the bartender and orders two shots of whiskey.

"Cheers." He raises his glass and so do you. After drinking it you put the glass down and turn to Chad.

"So, what are you doing here all by yourself?" You ask him.

"Just looking for friends." He smiles and inches closer.

"Hmm, friends?" You raise and eyebrow and he laughs.

"My definition of friends is probably different than your definition of friends," He winks and leans in close to your ear, making his voice go deeper as he whispers, "I would be more than happy to show you though." You shiver and he laughs.

"I'll take that as a yes?" He says putting a hand on your thigh. You nod and he takes your hand leading you to the door of the bar. Before you get there Sam jumps up and blocks the way.

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