A New Life (Chap. 2) (a witch love story)

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~~~Daren's P.O.V. (point of view)~~~

Great, another boring day at school, I thought as I made my way into my first hour, math.

"Hey, Daren," I heard some girl giggle as I sat down. I looked up, it was Sara. She was the school... well I don't know how to put it nicely, but... bitch. She was tall, had dark brown hair and eyes, and had about the least amount of clothes that you could have on and get away with at school. "I was wondering if you were going to ask me to the winter dance next Friday..." she trailed off.

Well, if I was going to I would have, I thought scornfully, but bit my tongue. "I'm sorry, but I already have a date for the dance," I lied.

"Really? Who?" Sara snapped. I could just imagine the thoughts in her head, the revenge plans or whatever for the girl that I had asked. So much for that excuse...

"A close friend from another school actually, she's never been to a dance before and I thought that she enjoy going to ours."

"Oh, maybe next time?" she sulked.

"Sure, maybe next time." Like that was going to happen. The funny thing was, I hadn't told her an honest thing this whole conversation, not like she deserved it anyway.

By then the whole class had filed in and I settled down in my seat in the back of the class, ready to just ignore the teacher, daydream or just scan the future or something, just for something to do.

I was a witch for Pete's sake, and I had to suffer though school? Why? Why me? I thought angrily at no one in particular.

The class- that had been going for about five minutes, stopped abruptly when there was a small knock at the door. "Yes, come in," Mrs. Brooks said. Then the most beautiful girl I have ever seen walked through the door. She wasn't as tall as Sara, but she wasn't that short either. She had dark blonde hair that went down to the middle of her back and what looked like an even brighter blonde highlights. She wore jeans and gray sweatshirt. For a second I was distracted, a sweatshirt, it was warm, for a rainy place like Seattle anyway, that made me wonder where she was from...

"Please introduce your self to the class," Mrs. Brooks said, just now interrupting my thoughts, even though she had been speaking for a while. Now that I looked closer, I saw that she had given Mrs. Brooks a white paper, oh, she was new, and that was why I hadn't seen her before. I felt kind of bad for the girl, it was December, she had to start in the middle of the school year, I new how that felt, that was me last year.

"Um, my name is Katheren Whitney," she said, in a voice that reminded me of bells and her name seemed fitting in some way... She hadn't looked up when she said this- which annoyed me a bit, since I wanted to know which color her eyes were- and a blush crept across her checks. Was she... embarrassed?

"Well Katheren," the teacher pressed, "could you tell us where you moved from?"

She blushed even deeper. "Santa Ana, California," she said quickly. That explained the sweatshirt.

"Oh, well welcome," Mrs. Brooks smiled at her, "take any seat you want."

"Thanks," she said. Then she hurried down the aisle, just staring at her feet. Well it looked like she was embarrassed. She sat down in the open seat next to me without even looking my way, for some reason, that annoyed me. Then Mrs. Brooks continued her math lesson. I watched the girl the whole class, I had learned this already, and it was old news to me. She wasn't even paying attention; she was drawing in her notebook the whole time. I tried to see what she was drawing, but I couldn't see it clearly. Well. Since I was at the back of the class, I decided that if I used just a little bit of powers, it wouldn't hurt anything. So, under my breath, I whispered a small sight spell that would let me see her picture. But for some reason, I couldn't. I tried again, maybe I said the spell wrong, I mean, it's ancient French, I could get it wrong. But once again, it didn't work, I looked across the room at a girl taking notes, and when I concentrated, I could easily see her notes. It made no sense to me why I couldn't see the simple drawing of the girl next to me, unless... no, she couldn't be a witch, could she? Well either way, I had to find out and if she was a witch, or a warlock- which I defiantly hoped she wasn't- I would have to tell my family.

When the bell rang at the end of first period, she gave a small yelp and accidentally threw her pencil. I chuckled quietly, and picked it up for her, then leaned back against my desk. "Here, you dropped this," I told her and handed it back to her.

"Thanks," she said, closing her notebook, and taking the pencil. She still didn't look at me, and that annoyed me. That and looking in her eyes was a way to tell if someone had a magical aura. Technically, everyone had an aura, most were like rainbows, a multitude of different colors, but witches and warlocks had a single-color or pure aura, which gave them the ability to use magic. Looking into some ones eyes one way I could tell color some ones aura was, that and physical contact, but that seemed weird to most people for a stranger to touch them.

So I tried to get her to look at my again. "Hey, since it's your first day, how about I give you a tour, you know, help you find your classes..."

Her head snapped up then, and she started at me, bewildered for some unfathomable reason. She had the most brilliant jade colored eyes that I had ever saw, I felt as I could get lost in them... Focus, I mentally yelled at myself. I looked into her eyes, and searched for her aura. Usually, auras were invisible. But I was one of the few witches capable of seeing them, but from her... nothing. . "Uh, s-sure," she stuttered.

"Great, my name's Daren, by the way, Daren Coventry. You're Katheren, right?" Like I would forget her name...

"Yeah, but everyone calls me Kate or Kates," she said as she put her books into her bag that was on the back of her chair.

I liked Kates better than Kate, Kate was too normal, and she was remarkable, stood out, but in a god way. "Hmm, well Kates, what's your next class?"

"Um, chemistry, I think."

"Awesome." For some reason, I very much liked this, and smiled widely. Her face went blank, did I do something wrong? "Come on we don't want to be late." Then I grabbed her hand, partly to make sure she was coming and party to see if that helped me to see if she had a magical aura or not. But the second I touched her, I shock ran up my arm and I felt extremely light-headed. She yanked her hand from mine. "Sorry," I said through clenched teeth, fighting the dizziness. Then I pulled my expression together, "'Cause theirs is nothing scarier than a pissed off Mr. Berkeley."

I still had no clue if she was a witch or not? What was she? A powerful witch that had been able to block my power? That had to be it; the only things with no auras were dead... or warlocks... No, she wasn't evil, I knew that, somehow. So what was she? I would find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2009 ⏰

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