Part 1.

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"HAYLEY!! Get back here!!!" my friend Jake screamed, as i laughed, taking another turn in the forest. I like running, and i can bravely tell you i'm awesome at running! Even Jake cant keep up with me.. So, back to reality- i turned for the hundredth time, i realised i was lost. I couldnt hear Jake's voice now, i was truly scared.

I was wandering around the forest, trying to find Jake, when i saw it...
A wolf! it was glaring at me, with toxic blue eyes, full of anger and sadness.. he was hiding in the bushes, and when I saw him, my eyes were glued to his, and we were staring at each other which seemed like hours, when Jake came.
"Where were you?" He panted, he must have been running through the whole forest, trying to find me..
I looked to the side where I saw the wolf, but he was no where to be seen...


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2015 ⏰

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