a new reason to smile..

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so this is a jeff the killer fanfic never one before lets see how it goes! by the way it has swearing


I ran my heart beating like the speed of lighting as i slowly gasped for air. My legs took me as far and fast as they could. I shook trembling with fear. My long black hair fell behind me swaying slowly as i ran. I was wearing my skinny jeans and a deep purple top.

My converse muddied up as i stepped on more dirt.

I was so scared i couldnt think straight. I swooped round hitting a dead end crying a little as i did so "PLEASE NO!" i screamed my voice at a shaky croak.

That was when i saw the deep cut scars running across his face tuning into a smile. His skin white like a ghost and his hair as black as night. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a white jumper smeared with the blood of his last victim.

He stepped a little closr towards me pulling out a knife and letting it shimmer in the sunlight.

"Go to sleep sophie!"

I shot up waking from my nightmare. I was sweating all over and panting helplessly like a dog. My eyes rolled around the room letting me observe my surrounings. I was safe. "Sophie!Get up love!" i groaned loudly dragging myself out of bed. I lost my foot some where on the landing making me topple over onto the banister hitting my hip hard as if i had been shot. I hissed off the pain as i scrammbled back onto my feet again.

I made my way into the kitchen grabbing a slice of toast eating it quickly as my mother moaned at me. i ignored her as i normal did, before heading back up stairs and flinging on a pair of skinny jeans aand a purple top with my converse and swinging down stairs falling off the banister grabbing my bag as i did so.

"bye mum!"

"Sophie wait!"

I shot out the door lik the speed of lighting running down to th shops to meet my friend alyson. I pushed the dooor hard forcing my way into the shop. Alyson was stood in one of the ally ways, her long blonde hair fell down her face as she bit her lip in deepo concentration.

I made my way over smiling at her as she ignored me focusing on the newspaper in her hand.

"Hey" i waved my hand in front of her eyes "anybody in there?" i tapped on her head, laughing silently to myself.

"AAnother" she sighed as a confused look grew across my face "Another what?" i asked as sh started to put the aper away. "Victim" she pulled hard on the door exiting the shop as i followed her.

"what the hell are you on about?" i exclaimed as she rolled her eyes at me huffing as she did so. ""That person thats going around killing everyone" i ahhhhed while nodding to her. "He's killed another person?" she licked her lips facing my way "or she!" she exclaimed laughing a little as we reached the school gate.

i noticed a load of people hudled up bin a corner all screaming. Me and alyson walked forward ourcuriosity shinning though. "FIGHT!!CCome on fight!" i watched alsyson laugh before grabbing my arm hard and shoving me through the crowd with her.

There was steve there his hand tight into a fist as he growed through his teeth at his enemy. He stood tall ready to fight as the crowd chantered louder.

"Fight me then fuck face!' that was when i noticed him. He had a white jumper on with black skinny jeans and a pair of converse.

The boy from my nightmare!

His eyes where burning deep into steve's skin as he snarled softly at him a sour look on his face. Hiss fist where down at the side of him as he laughed a little. They where both up tight in each others face "fuck you!" steve shouted as dave popped up from no where shoving steve backwards "dont be stupid!" he cried as more anger boiled up in steve.

"no he wants to start on me i will start on him the arse hole!" dave shoved them back so they both disapeared in the crowd.

Alyson started to laugh a little more "come on there's nothing to ssee herre" i linke arms with her pulling her in the opposite bdirection.

i turned back to see the boy in the white jumper with his head phones in walking within the crowd.

i ha never seen him before was he new?

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2013 ⏰

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