Contest 1

70 5 4

Ok so here is the 1st contest. I'm really excited to see all of your entries ok so here are the rules:

A lovley moonlight date

P.m me or @LeighAnn_Demon your submittion (to make sure its entered i would send it to both of us)
[Specify which contest it will be entered {im running multiple}]
Or submit it through the comments
Follow me (please!)
Vote on this part

200-1500 words
Dedicate the chapter to me

Im patterning with LeighAnn_Demon. She's a close friend of mine and has over 700 views on her major work. (This is where she'll shout out winners) so if you could be so kind to read her stories and follow her. (she might just follow you back too!


1st Place
~Work placed in the Romance winning reading list
~Shout out from a close friend (LeighAnn_Demon)
~ A follow
~ An honest comment on choice of work (provided by LeighAnn_Demon)
~ 5 votes on any story

2nd Place
~Shout out from LeighAnn_Demon
~An honest comment on any story
~ A Follow
~ 3 votes on any story

3rd Place
~ shout out from LeighAnn_Demon
~ An honest comment on any story
~ 3 votes

First 20 entries will be accepted. No due date. In further contests there will be but this is just to kick things off

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