Chapter 1

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 ''You're gonna lose man!'' Joe Jonas yelled at his bestfriend Nick Grey while getting into his car.

''Not even!'' Nick yelled back while getting into his own car. ''First one down the street and back.''

''You're on!'' Joe smiled.

Nick started his car stepping on the gas hearing the roaring engine. Putting both hands on the wheel and leaning back against the black leather chair they both yelled at the same time. ''3.....2...1!'' And they were off. Street racing was against the law and they knew it, but since they were rich, bad boys, and most the popular people in school - they didn't seem to give a care in the world. All the girls wanted them and all the guys wanted to be them; they did what they wanted or who they wanted. Nobody ever stopped them or told them no. Nick felt on top of the world going at 80 MPH, but when he went to look at the side of them he lost control and BOOM! Right into Joe's car.

When Nick was starting to get up he had a major headach and kept hearing an annoying beeping sound. ''Where am I?'' Nick asked out loud.

''We're in the hospital dude.'' Nick looked to the right side of him and saw that his bestfriend Joe was in the bed next to him.

''What happened?'' He asked while rubbing his head with his hand.

''Well, see what happened was that we were street car racing, and you lost control of your car and crashed into me.''

''Awe, I'm sorry dude.''

Joe shrugged. ''It's okay.''

Then, both guys heard a female voice. ''I thought you hated hospitals Joe. So, why would you do something that could get you in one?'' She raised her eyebrow. When Joe saw the girl with blonde highlights in the door way he froze like he had saw a ghost.

Nick turned to Joe. ''Joe who's the chick?''

''Oh, I'm sorry.'' The female said. ''I'm Demi.''

''Um, hi Demi.'' Nick said. ''How do you know Joe?''

Without breaking the stare on Demi, Joe answered. ''She's my sister.''

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