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Dear diary,

George and Delilah's café was where my eyes first caught sight of a beauty so fine that all I am now forced to think about is her. From the way her dirty blonde hair was pulled messily back into a ponytail, to the white worn out converse she wore, with a silver anklet sitting perfectly around the bottom of her leg.

Her, her, her - its all I can think about.

The way her petite hands worked on the cash machine, and scribbling down orders to how she politely greeted and wished farewell to each customer, with the most perfect smile following each time. However, every time she did smile it seemed almost.. forced. Her expressions, to me, illustrated she was somewhat troubled, yet she still managed to smile each time without fail. It still looking stunning nevertheless.

My mind is consumed with thoughts of only her.

I want to get to know her, know her likes, dislikes and hobbies, and maybe even uncover the reasons behind her cloudy mood.

I am thankful Louis knew of the place, and that we collectively opted to go there. I still remember the way she made her way towards our table, carrying our snacks and beverages on a tray, and then handing them out when she finally made it over. Her soft, gentle voice, telling us to "enjoy" repeating over and over in my head. I don't want to forget the way she sounded.

My eyes found the name tag pinned to her chest, I told myself what a beautiful name she had.


I smiled at how much it suited her and her delicate facial features. Our eyes connected and, with me still grinning to myself, she presented me with a smile before hesitantly breaking the contact, and turning on her heels to serve the next customer . I'm pretty sure she reacted hesitantly anyway.

I have come to the conclusion that I need to see her again. I mean, I cant not see her again? With this amount of thoughts spinning continuously around in my head, it would be both crazy and ridiculous not too.

I crave her, diary. Yes. I crave her.

dear diary ; bwsWhere stories live. Discover now