Imagine #1: Surprise!

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You slowly opened your eyes and turned over to see your boyfriend of 2 years, Ringo, sound asleep buried within the blankets. You silently giggled to yourself, knowing that he was a heavy sleeper and a loud snorer with his bigger than average nose, which you absolutely adored, despite his protests.

It was 7 a.m. and the Beatles had a performance the next day on the Ed Sullivan Show, which meant they had to leave for America that afternoon. It also meant your Richie, as you fondly called him, would have to leave. You absolutely dreaded the thought of him leaving you, even if it was only for two weeks, but this was just one of the countless sacrifices you have to make as the girlfriend of a Beatle.

"Richie... love... wake up," you said as you gently shook him. He slowly opened his ocean blue eyes, meeting yours.

"Morning, love," he said, giving you a delicate smile, and sweetly kissing your lips.

That kiss turned into a few more kisses, then into a heated make-out session, and then eventually to making the best love you had ever made. You then got up to make Richie's favorite breakfast.

You inhaled the smell of bacon that filled the air, and smiled softly to yourself. That's when you felt strong, gentle arms wrap around your waist from behind.

"Mmm, smells good and looks delicious," Ringo pressed his cheek against yours, smiling.

"Aw, thanks, baby," you giggled softly while blushing.

You could smell his apple-scented wet hair, indicating that he'd just gotten out of the shower. It also meant that the only thing he had on was a towel, wrapped around his waist. You turned off the stove and turned around to face him.

"Aw, I'm going to miss you so badly, you sexy little thing," you said, pinching his cheeks, playfully, as he chuckled and held your hands.

"Believe me, my love, me too, " he said as he kissed you, ever so gently, on your lips and gazed into your eyes. "I'm going to miss waking up to those beautiful eyes, ye know," he chuckled.

You blushed a dark shade of crimson red and bit your lip, "Well... it's not like this is going to be the first time you leave to go on a tour with the band, but you're going to America! That's so far away!" you exclaimed as you widened your eyes like a little child, and he chuckled.

"I know... but it's going to be different and exciting!"

Ten minutes later, both of you were eating your delicious homemade breakfast of blueberry pancakes, eggs and bacon with a side of tea. After the filling meal, you both proceeded to get ready to go to the airport.

Two hours later you were at the airport, waving him goodbye, tears trickling down your cheek. You usually didn't become that emotional everytime he left for a tour, but this time he was flying overseas; he was going to be thousands and thousands of miles away from you! That had never happened before.

What if something happens on the way and he never comes back, and I never see him again??? You thought, however, you scolded yourself for thinking such a horrible thought! You tried to push it away, and you succeeded, at least you liked to think you did. The plane then went down the runway and took off into the sky as you whispered "Goodbye Richie," one last time.

Next Day

You hurried to the couch just before the show started. You didn't want to miss your boyfriend perform in front of what would be the biggest TV audience in history; you were so proud of him.

As he appeared on the black and white screen, you squealed like one of the screaming fans in the audience, and kept grinning helplessly to yourself. 

2 a.m.

You awoke to a piercing pain in your abdomen as you felt a warm liquid in your panties.

"Ugh!!" you exclaimed as you believed it was that time of the month again.

You got out of bed and headed to the bathroom, shivering as you made contact with the cold tile floor and frozen porcelain toilet. You didn't spend much time on the toilet, maybe only about 5 minutes max. You climbed into your empty bed again, thinking about how much you missed Ringo already, despite him being gone for barely a day or two.

You eventually fell asleep and awoke 15 minutes later to the most intense pain you had ever felt in your life, resulting in your underwear and bedsheets being soaked in this mysterious clear liquid.

"OWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!" you exclaimed in pure agony; it was if someone was stabbing you repeatedly as your body was pulled apart in all directions.

You shakily picked up the phone, dialing up a taxi with shaky fingers. Within minutes, the taxi arrived as you struggled to go down the stairs being cautious about not falling in the process. You finally arrived to the awaiting taxi and ordered the driver to head to the nearest hospital, which was 7 miles away.

It felt like a whole century had gone by on your way to the hospital as the pain was only getting stronger and longer by the minute. You wanted Richie so badly, but sadly he was thousands of miles away having the time of his life in America.

Fortunately, you arrived at the hospital and paid the taxi and attempted to walk inside, failing to do so as the pain knocked you off your feet.

Moments later, you awoke in a hospital bed, surrounded by nurses, doctors and strange beeping machines. You took notice that you were attached to many of these strange devices.

"Why, hello there, Miss Y/L/N, glad to finally see you awake," the doctor grinned as you shook his hand.

You looked at him in confusion. "Where am I?"

"Why you're in the hospital, m'am, about ready to pop, aren't ye?"

"What do you mean 'ready to pop'? That only happens when you're pregnant, doctor."

"Well m'am, you are  pregnant, didn't you know?"

"P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T?!!!!!" you exclaimed with such horror as you spit out and nearly choked on your cold glass of water.

"Yes, m'am, you're about 36 weeks pregnant, which is when most twins are delivered."

"Woah, woah, woah, twins?!?" You panicked.

"Yes, twins... Anyways, though your water has broken, we managed to slow your labour down just enough, but you will  be delivering by tomorrow morning. I suggest you notify any family that you might have. Is the father around?"

Suddenly you remembered: you had to call Richie.

How is this even possible?! What is he going to say?! He's in the prime of Beatlemania! What if he doesn't want the baby, let alone two?! Will this be the end of his career?! Oh well, he has to know no matter what, you thought as you picked up the phone and dialed his number one digit at a time.

*ring ring ring*


To be continued....

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