School E.A: Larson stray

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Larson's P.O.V

It has only been a few days since I left my home planet and so far it is not fun. I got caught in a meteor shower and got lost in sector 47 quadrant 8. It was tough enough to get out the meteor shower then I got lost somewhere and had no idea where to go. I am right now on course to the planet Earth, I wish it was closer to my home but sadly it isn't. Just my luck.

I sighed and continued steering my tiny spaceship. I hated this stupid thing it was so hard to drive and I was too big for it! UGHHH!! It was so aggravating to have to fly this unspeakably small ship. I hate this stupid mission, because I'm the oldest kid in my family I have to go and get food for my planet and family. I hate it so much. So I just fly around space not knowing where to go I'll just fly around until I find my final destination. I sighed and just continued flying around in the middle nowhere. I stayed like this until I came upon the little blue and green planet, I sighed and went to it and landed in a area called America. This land was much different from the last time I came here. It was a lot like my home planet, very techy and people seemed to be on these little boxes that glowed... Maybe they've become stronger and smarter than us... NNNNNAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! We have little spaceships that go anywhere in the universe we want. I got out of my spaceship and put its cloaking device on it. Okay off to find food. I walked out of the ally and it the street where bright lights lit up the shadows of the night, it almost looked like it was daytime if it wasn't for the black night sky. Earth was such a peaceful planet. At least that's how I remember it...

I walked around for a bit just taking in the way the humans have changed so much from the last time I was here, that was so long ago. The last time I was here they were riding on horseback and believed in the sun god Re and, Moon god Khonsu (Egyptian culture). They progress quickly I must admit that. I walked some more looking over everything and everyone, the outfits and clothing designs are quite strange and to be honest ugly, I've only seen maybe 4 good ones but the others are just..... Why even? I kept walking and saw a very strange person standing at a corner, he was dressed in black clothes and just looked strange. I walked up to him and he pulled out a blade and pointed it at me.

"Give me your money!" He yelled. I stood there frozen not know what to do. I just starred at him until he got mad and stabbed me in the side. I dropped to my knees and held my side stopping myself from bleeding out. The man reached into my pocket and pulled out the human money I had and ran off.

I felt my wound heal as I stood up. I looked around and didn't see the man. Earth was not the peaceful place I once knew. I walked until i found this place that seemed to sell food, I went inside and walked up to a counter thing and looked at the person on the other side, he looked at me and I looked at him. It was silence between us for awhile he said something. "Can I help you?" He said. I looked at him and shook my head leaving the restaurant. I don't like it in there, it's smells like skunk butt and fish and unhealthy cemicals. I look up at the sign and saw a big curvy "M" and rolled my eyes of course it's a fast food restaurant, they always smell like ,pardon my French, crap. I walked away and sighed, I don't think I'm ever gonna find food that's good enough for my parents and sibling. Everywhere i went ,either the food was horrible or they wanted money for it.

I kept walking until water hit my head. I looked up into the sky and saw sky filled with dark clouds. More drops of water fell, the rain began to pour down quick. I ran as fast as I could to get to cover witch surprisingly was very hard to find, every place I found threw me out. Once I found a good place to rest and get out of the rain and laid down and hugged my legs close to my body. I was cold and wet. My clothes felt heavy, hair was matted down, and i was tired. I sighed and closed my eyes.

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