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I am a predator. I run with the wolves. Why? Because they are my only friends. I grew up in the forest alone with only their company. Hunting, running, jumping, fighting. My parents abandoned me at a young age because they were afraid. Afraid of my abilities. Afraid of what might happen to them if they made me mad or got to close. They had good reason to be afraid. Nobody wants to get close to a monster. Except for the wolves. They took me in, taught me how to survive. And I did survive. Until the people found me and took me away. They said they needed my abilities for special jobs that no human could accomplish. They said I had potential. They tried to make me feel like part of the team but Im just an animal to them. Even them, the strongest people in the government, are afraid of what I can do. They have never seen a shapeshifter before. Because I grew up in a cold atmosphere they called me Frostbite. I will never know my name given to me at birth but that doesn't matter. I like the name Frostbite. It has a nice ring to it. The people knew I had exceptional hunting abilities and set me up to the most suiting task possible. They made me a government assassin. Don't get me wrong I'm lucky to have a job.... But I miss my family. My pack. My best friends. I'm going to get out of here and finally go home.

*BEEEPBEEEPBEEEP* I wake up to the sweet, obnoxious sound of my dreaded alarm clock. That stupid machine always scares me. Today I have a big mission. To take down the head of a huge terrorist group in Iran. I run out of bed and change into my training suit. Crap, I'm running late again. I turn into an eagle and speed fly my way over to the gym. This is were I practice my stealth and transformations. I run inside and bow in front of my instructor, Dr. Green. He formulates exercises specially for the different animals I will need to change into for my missions. "You are late, Agent Frostbite." He says coldly as usual. " Well even thought I'm not human, I'm still a teenager and I need my beauty sleep." I reply. For my mission I have to train for 5 animals. The cheetah, dwarf hamster, humming bird, guppy, and my favorite, a timber wolf. I practice an hour for each then return to my chambers and get into my work clothes. We will leave in an hour at most so I take a moment to looks outside. The forest is nowhere to be seen from the secret hideout in a rural area of New York. In fact almost nothing is out there at all except for rain and chain fences. How I miss the Ice Forrest with its beautiful snow and the dew on the grass in the morning. I will find a way back. They can't keep me here forever. Can they?

I look at my watch. 5 minutes until launch time. I'd better start walking over to the station. I slip on my hiking boots and lock my door behind me. I sigh and close my eyes. I was trained to kill but I still don't enjoy doing it like the wolves do. I stroll over to the door of the station. I hate this door. It's ugly, a puke green color, and to heavy. Walking inside I look to my left. A coffee bar. I never liked coffee but I'm starting to get more of a taste for it slowly. I look to my right. The locker room. In front of me stood the ticket booth were I am assigned a plane, train, or boat to ride on to get to my destination. They try to make it feel like a vacation but we all know its not. In fact it's probably one of the most emotionally draining and stressful job on earth. I go up to the to ticket booth and talk to the overly pretty secretary. Today I go by plane. Oh joy. I don't think I will ever be fond of flying. Nothing compares to being completely free. Not anything in the whole entire world.

I climb aboard the plane slowly. They have complimentary snacks but I never have any. I think they sometimes try to feed me dog food. I take my assigned seat at the middle of the plane next to the exit. To me this is the best seat on the plane. Extra leg room and a quick escape. Before I know it I'm already in Iran. I often find myself falling asleep quickly on planes. We landed near a small bace. I walk of the plane and lay on the dirt. I hate being away from solid ground for so long. The flight attendants look at me with disgust but I don't care. I let the sun warm my body and eventually gather the strength to sit up. I walk off to the base and take a look inside. It's cozy but definitely doable. There is a warm bed in the left corner, a tiny kitchen with no stove, and a wooden door in to the right most likely leading to a bathroom. The mission begins tomorrow so I have a protein shake and take a long, hot shower. Then i put my hair up in a bun, turn on the Tv, and watch the news. More bad news around the world, school shooting, bombing, and a murderer on the loose. What has this world become?

It's 10:16pm. I'd better get to sleep. I have to wake up at 4:00am. Ugh. I lay in my bed and stare at the ceiling. I drift off to sleep. *BEEEP BEEEP* Stupid alarm clock. I sit up in bed and grab my action suit from off the nightstand. I jump into the shower and let the hot water calm my nerves. I get hop out of shower, dry my short dark hair, and get dressed. "BOOM" I am thrown towards the wall as a bomb explodes outside. I'm so dizzy. I stumble through the rubble and see a small opening. I change into a rat and run outside only hitting a few walls along the way. Outside its strangely quiet. After a few seconds my eyes adjust and I stand there shocked, unable to move. Everyone was dead. Then everything went black.

I look around. Everything is fuzzy and I can barely stand up but I know I have to go now if I want to live. I stumble towards a ledge and pull myself off of the ground. I look around. Everyone is still dead as expected. "LOOK THERE IS THE WEAPON!" I hear one of them yell. Now would be a good time to get out of there. Wolf time. I change into a wolf and dart away as quick as possible and find shelter in a small cave. I look at my arm. My communicator is still there. I have to call head quarters. "Hello, this is agent Frostbite reporting in. There seemed to have been a bomb near the base were we were stationed. I almost sure I am the only survivor..." I say to the woman on the other end of the line. "Oh ill contact the officials ASAP if you would just be so kind to send me your location, Hun-bun. Remember at this point everybody is an enemy. Kill anyone you see until we find a good place to pick you up. Okay. Good." I tell her my coordinates and she says that they are sending a plane my way. Unfortunately I hit in a rocky area so now I have to find a good place for a plane to land near my hiding place. I walk for 20 min before approaching a small town. A little girl walked up to me. Wait, I can't kill a little girl! I understand that most people here want me dead but I can't kill a little girl! "Hey are you that animal girl cuz I love love love love love kitties! Could you be a kitty for me please please please please!!" She says. "Agent frostbite who is that?!" Shit. I left my communicator on. "Umm it's nobody I was just talking to myself!" I say frantically. Gah I'm a terrible liar. I mouth the word run to the little girl. She nods her head and dashes away. "Target acquired" said my the woman on the other line. I saw something rip through the sky and I saw the girl fall. What have I done.

A plane lands behind me but I'm to angry and shocked to turn around. How could they just kill an innocent little girl?! That's it. I'm sick of this organization. My fists are clenched so tightly that they are a milky white color. They should not mess with a shapeshifter. No I can't let my anger boil over. I could kill even more innocent people. I walk over to the corpse of the little girl. Head shot. At least she died painlessly. I take a notepad out of my side bag and fold a paper flower. I place it on the little girls chest, next to her heart. It is the least I could do. Then I walk slowly over to the aircraft. With every step I feel my anger rising. No. Nonono. Finally, I reach my limit. Yes. Wolf time bitches. I jump at the man with a gun. He must have been the one to shoot the girl. I aim strait for his neck. I taste his warm, salty blood and try to jump to my next victim. There is a sharp pain in my side and I look over. Tranquilizer dart.... This isn't going to end well for me, is it? My vision starts going fuzzy and I feel myself changing back into a human. No. Then everything goes black. I wake up in a small, white room. I still can't see very well and I can't hear much. I try to get up but come to the horrifying realization that I have been strapped to the table. I try to change into a mouse. A quick escape method, but I can't change. They must have drugged me. That's when I start to panic. I bang my wrists and ankles against the shackles until they bleed. I scream for hours. They must think I'm crazy. Despite my baby tantrums nobody comes and I eventually give into my drowsy brain and fall into a nightmarish sleep.

I wake up in a different room. The air is stuffy and I'm sweating like a pig. I let my eyes adjust for a minute before realizing that I have been put into a small, coffin-like box. For a few second I just look around not knowing what to do but then the box hits something and I panic. The only thing I can think of doing is turning into something large enough to break the wall. Whale? Nah i don't know how to control that animal yet. Too dangerous. How about a bear? Yea actually that might work! I change into a bear and feel my growing frame hit the top of the box. Crack. Pop. Snap. Boom. The top of the box flies off and I jump out. Two guards stand speechless next to each other. " Uh, John... I thought they said that she wouldn't be even able to move.." Said one of them. John never was able to reply though and I kill both of them there in one swift action. I turn back into a human and look around. There is an exit to my left. I run towards it. When I get to the door I notice it needs a code to open. I laugh. No door can stand up to a rhino ramming into it. I do admit the rhino was a bit big for the hallway but the door was destroyed in a matter of seconds. I rush outside and notice that I'm back at the base in New York. Well at least I know were I am. I have to get away from this place as quickly as possible. No doubt that they will kill me if I'm caught. This should be fun.

I run to the shelter of a nearby bush and draw my brilliant plan out in the dirt. A circle represents the base and a star represents the woods. I sketch a line leading away from the main paths and roads but close to the food trucks because I'm starving. I could "visit" those at night. I look around and find that the bush I'm hiding behind is about 500 feet from the main exit on the south side of the base. I draw a triangle to represent my current position. Ok I've got my plan. After breaking a piece of the bush off and brushing away my plan, I sneak over to my next hiding spot. It's a small food truck that the scientists liked to call the "heart attack on wheels". I can see why they called it that now because when I look inside of it I see seven deep fries and stacks of sugary snacks lining the interior. I look up at the sky. According to the sun now it will be about two hours before sundown. Gah. My stomach rumbles and I look around. Security camera 2 o'clock. If I change into a mouse I could try to chew through the netting in the windows. No. To risky. Now they suspect any animal to be me. I can't use my powers until I'm off of the property. I'm left with no other option. I have to climb under the car and wait until its to dark for the cameras to see me. Slowest two hours of my life for sure but eventually the sun finally sets. And crawl out from under the van and stretch. The security camera is focused on the side of the truck with all of the windows. Luckily for me the door is out of view. I take a bobby pin out of my hair and unlock the metal door. To stop the door from squeaking I open it as slowly as possible. Then, I sneak inside and close the door behind me. Oh sweet mother of god. Candy, frozen waffles, icee machines, and best, chocolate doughnuts. I take four doughnuts and throw them into the microwave. In just two minutes I will be enjoying the sugary taste of the creamy chocolate and the wonderfully fried dough. Then a flashlight shines at the truck and my blood runs cold.

I grab the warm doughnuts out of the microwave and dart over to a window to look outside. It's a security guard with dirty blond hair and brown eyes. I haven't seen this guy around before. He must be one of the noobs they brought in to train. This should be quite easy. I grab a handful if ice from the fridge and throw it out the back window. The guard is startled but runs over to the ice quickly. Just as expected. I then dart out of the door and toward the greenhouse with my precious doughnuts in hand. When I get to the giant greenhouse I change into a mouse and fit into a small hole in the side of the building next to the door. Then I change back into a person and run under the cover of the trees. I know I can't stay very much longer because I will get drenched by the sprinklers that come on every two hours. After sitting under the largest tree, I quickly eat my doughnuts. I have to get out of here as quickly as possible. The back door is always open though so I have no problem getting out onto the dirt road to the highway. Two miles of dirt trail and I will be on a busy highway. They will never be able to find me there.... Hopefully.

Gah dirt roads suck. There are rocks in my shoes now. I've been running for about half an hour and was to stupid to realize that I could have changed into a bird and flown away by now. In my defense, I never got to go to school until 8th grade... I change into a robin and fly to the road were I spot a Burger king. Sweet mother of god, yes. I'm already hungry again! Probably because flying burns off a lot of calories quickly. I have 10 dollars in my pocket so I buy a burger and a large order of fries. Yummy. I look around the building and see to sketchy looking men staring at me. Oh no, I am not getting raped tonight. I shoot them the creepiest face I can think of. The demonic doll face is my personal favorite. It also helps when I change my eye color to white bunny red by half changing. Both of their eyes widen and then they slowly get up from their table and proceed to run out the doors like little girls. Works every time. I finish my meal and throw away the trash. I have to find a map if I'm even going to attempt to get home. I look outside. It's raining.... Of course. Before I leave the restaurant, one of the young male workers comes up to me. "Hey! Um do you need a ride or somethin'? it's raining real bad out there." He says with a sideways smile. "Oh um, no thanks my um parents are coming for me soon soooooo yea." I answer awkwardly. God, Im terrible at talking to people. "Oh alrighty then. But you don't have parents. Do you... Frostbite?" He says. I step back. How did they find me already?!? His hand reaches for my arm but I slap it away and run for the hills.

I have been running for what seems like forever... I can see the end of the highway up ahead an a short country road leading away from New York. I think I'll go that way. 15 minutes down the dirt road and I don't see them chasing me anymore. Thank god. I find an abandoned shack on the side of the road and go inside. Lucky me, they have a bed still set up in the smallest room so I climb inside and sleep. A few hours later I wake up from hunger and thirst. Ugh. Well lets go see what is leftover in the fridge. As I open the appliances door, I'm knocked back by the repulsive smell. The only thing that looks slightly eatable in the refrigerator is half a jar of chunky peanut butter. I devour it quickly and try to search for a map to plot out my next move. I eventually find one in the parlor and lay it flat on the floor. Then, I grab a pen and draw a trail to my forest. I'll be home in no time.

The next few months have gone by remarkably fast. From the house I changed into a bird, stopping every few hours to check the map and eat some granola bars that I found in a cabinet. When I finally arrived at the forest, I could tell that something had happened. The air was still no birds sang their usual melody. Cautiously, I stepped into the territory of my old pack. One by one the wolves came out of the den slowly. But they did not greet me. They bark and growl at me like I'm a foreigner. I think to myself and change into a wolf. Still nobody recognizes me. A single tear fell from my face onto the snow and then they attacked, ripping at my tired flesh. I knew these scars would never heal. I turn back into a human, to weak to maintain my wolf form. Then someone fired a rifle and I hear a whimper from one of the wolves. "Get away from her! SHOO, GET!" I hear an older man say. Everything around me felt light and I was slipping away. This man picked me up and I woke a few days later in a hospital bed. In my heart I know that they were just wild animals and I smelled like the people who had broken taken away one of their children. I forgive them fully. Now, I am happier than I have ever been. It turns out that the mans name was Joshua and he happily invited me to stay with his family until I was ready. They were not scared of my powers and even told me that I was a miracle. Joshua's son Brody and I have grown to like each other quite well and I finally have a family. I wouldn't have it any other way to be honest.

-The End-

Authors note-
Hey! Thanks so much for all of the positive comments and tips. I know I'm kind of a jerk because I didn't write at all for like 6 months. sorry about that. Anyway I hope you like the ending (it was difficult to find a "good" way to end this one) Thanks again <3


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2013 ⏰

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