The Daughter.

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My face remained expressionless, but I soon smell a human inside the mansion.

I ignore it and walk down the hall. My long pink hair bounced slightly as I walked, and my eyes piercing everything down.

One eye was blue, like Shu-kun. The other, was green like Ayato and Laito.

It was rare for that to happen, but I accepted it.
Like how my brothers don't love me.

My brothers never actually loved me, though they still talked to me.

I accepted the fact that I was also a masochist. I loved pain.

I cut myself almost everywhere besides my legs.
I was always lonely, so I talked to my cuts sometimes.

I may seem insane, but what could you expect from me?

I don't know anymore. My mother kept me in a room with a small window, and I never got to even talk to them. She simply made me stay there until I grew.

Though when I did leave that room, a man told me she was dead.

I didn't care. I actually was very happy.

That woman... She kept me from my freedom.

I already knew what it was like to be lonely before I met my brothers.

But they didn't feel any pity.



A small yelp interrupted my thoughts that came from downstairs.

I teleported downstairs in the main living room. I remained invisible, and watched the situation closely.

Suddenly I smell blood, and realized there was a girl on her bum and her knew scraped a little and caused it to bleed.

My eyes widened like my brothers.


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