I Am Perfect

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Every morning I wake up fearing the building I enter at 7:30 am,

I fear the devils inside, I fear the people unhappy with themselves,

And when I enter I'm told the words that make me want to escape from everything,

Kill yourself,
You're worthless,
That's why you have no dad,
You're better off dead,
Your mom should've had an abortion,

And me, I have no say,
When I comply to their words,
Who will understand,
Who will know why,
And who will care?

Now I'm back at home hearing the objects talk,
The pills say eat me, all 30 of me,
The knife is inching towards my body, sharpening it's blades,
And the roof door that's never locked,
I hear it's whispers wanting me to jump off,

But then there is a voice, a voice I hear strong and loud,
A voice that catches me before I end,
Before I can go to purgatory and get chosen into heaven or hell,
Before I could leave my lifeless body on the floor of the bathroom,

And that voice was me,
It was my mind telling me I can do so much,
Telling me I'm young and my abilities have not yet been introduced to this dystopia we call the world,
And when I turn around, the mirror tells me I Am Perfect.

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