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Laying on your back,gazing at the stars that have been splashed elegantly across the sky in an almost artistic way. The fresh,soft grass your head rests on and brushes the back of your neck while it cools your back and legs.
A fire with your friends and loved ones circled around the warmth of the orange glowing flames,their smiles and laughter as warm as the heat radiating from fire. Lightning bugs float through the air like embers and ashes from a wildfire,raising from the ground and flickering through the night air. Stumbling into your friend's house only to talk for a few minutes and crash on the couch,slipping farther and farther into sleeps grip until you've been drowned in warmth and exhaustion.
Waking up and listening to everyone else sleep while you make your tea,let it steep and enjoy the warmth once it's done. Warmth seeping into your skin and flesh while you hold the cup around the sides,warming your body once it slips down your throat. Your steps are silent and soft as they lead you to the picture window, the warm summer sun shining through and making the outside glow a soft orange.

This is summer.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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