Rant #1

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As far as I've been in Wattpad, I've been though an endless amount of legit books to a pile of cliché nonsense, specifically ones about the Akatsuki.

For starters, the Akatsuki member's personalities:

Okay, sure you can throw some of your creativeness in them that's fine.

But I mean like over doing it.


Hidan: The bastard who screams useless shit and curses every five fucking seconds. He cares about nothing except his faith for Jashin.

He mean seriously, this bitch is whiney and can't even have the decency to speak in a normal context.

Cocksucker, Barbie Bitch, Fuck this, Fuck that.

This guy loves pain 100% wowee.

Oh please don't get me started with the Hidan x Kakuzu Yaoi.

Hidan cried as Kakuzu shoved his meaty dick up Hidan's tight butthole,"Kakuzu," he moaned,"It fucking hurts! Stop!"

^ bitch, I thought he loves pain. Well, I guess it doesn't count for Kakuzu's 92-year old dick. I thought it would be flimsy as fuck.

Plus, his bitch stabbed his body, probably was burned alive, and got his body chopped into small pieces at some point.

Oh baby, throw the holy water.

I don't want that Jashin-Trash getting fucked by my grandpa.

Oh one more thing! Those romances that include Hidan, I've read tons when Hidan abused the shit out of his (later on will be) lover. Oh and guess what? THEY FALL IN LOVE.


I mean, if a man abused me, please. No.

There are also others that state that Hidan lost his virginity or at least fucked like 1038383728820 chicks.

This guy must have aids or some transmitted disease. Or he must be really good at cleaning that dick.

Main point: Hidan's a man whore.

GREEEEAAAAT. I'd totally fall in love with a masochistic man whore.

But again, who wouldn't want to say I fucked that?


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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