The Plan - The Truth

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Another short story I thought I would publish tonight. Here you are, my lovely readers. I hope you enjoy it thoroughly.

Point of View: Third Person

Kronos is stood at the border of Camp Half-Blood, grinning evilly down at the camp and its gathered residents. But he searches for one demigod in particular.

Percy Jackson.

"Perseus Jackson, grandson, show yourself!" Kronos calls.

Percy walks through the parting crowd of demigods. He stops halfway up the hill. "What do you want, Kronos?"

"It's your turn." Kronos smiles warmly.

"My turn to what?" Percy rolls his eyes.

"I have an army to crush you, I have my brothers to enslave you, I even have my mother to give her revenge. But I still need a host. My body isn't self-sustaining too well. It's your turn to be my host." Kronos holds out his hand in an offer, smirking.

Percy is stoic and the demigods look at him nervously. "And why should I do that?" Percy asks in a monotone.

Kronos chuckles. "Because you'll lose if you fight against me. Tartarus wants to shatter the gods. And he wants to break you after I'm done with you. I'll ensure you'll live once I'm done with your body. You're powerful and more than enough to suffice for my power build up. Better than that Hermes boy."

"Don't listen to him, Percy. Please." Annabeth begs Percy and runs up to him.

Percy turns to her and calculates Kronos from the corners of his eyes. Then he looks at Annabeth. He leans next to her ear and whispers something only she can hear. Then he kisses her passionately before shoving her to the ground. He walks up the hill and the demigods scream betrayal at him.

Percy keeps his face passive. He comes straight to Kronos and lays his hand in his grandfather's. Kronos wraps his hand around Percy's and looks at his grandson. "Good choice, child." Kronos smiles and they flash away. Kronos flashes them inside of the palace of Mt. Othrys. "This is where it will happen. You can't swim in the River Styx again, but Tartarus knows how to prime your body for me." Kronos smiles.

Tartarus appears in the middle of the corridor up to the thrones and grins evilly. "Come, child." He speaks softly.

"Go to him." Kronos nudges Percy and releases his hand.

Percy doesn't hesitate and goes to Tartarus, who wraps an arm around his shoulders. "Good, good. I won't have to break you then. Not until after Kronos is done with you, when I can have fun without harming the vessel."

Percy remains silent and stares ahead.

"Ah, obedient, listens, and stoic. You'll do well." Tartarus says and then they sink into the ground. They reappear in Tartarus. "Now, to fully prime you for a faster healing process, we won't just use the River Styx and you won't die from it either if we do it right. And we will. You're the only suitable host for Kronos. My Giant sons are reforming as we speak."

"Yes, Lord Tartarus." Percy answers.

Tartarus beams. He takes Percy to all the Rivers and has him carefully take water from each of them. But he makes him take more of the Phlegethon. Then he takes him back to where Kronos waits, sitting in his throne.

"Back already, wonderful." Kronos rises and comes down to the altar that has been set up. A table beside it. The items a dagger of Celestial Bronze, an Imperial Gold pitcher, a metal cup, and the hilt of a sword.

Tartarus takes the small jars filled with the water of the Rivers and pours them all into the pitcher. Then he turns to Percy. "Come here." He says and Percy walks up. "I'll explain this to you. You are to drink the mixed waters of the five Rivers of the Underworld that flow into me. Then you'll drink my blood and spill yours. You'll be laid on the altar with the hilt in your hand and Kronos will take over your body. Then the ritual is complete. Do you understand?"

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