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Elizabeth P.O.V
Today is me day. I took a bath this morning went shopping and now I'm at the movies going to watch this new scary movie that's supposedly the scariest one yet. I doubt that. I don't scare easily. I just watch scary movies to see if I can find the mistakes. I walked in the doors feeling the cold rush of air hit my body. I still had 30 min before my movie started so I sat at one of the tables. This movie theatre is connected to a McDonald's next to it. I took out my phone and started going through my newsfeed on facebook.
Niall P.O.V
I was pretty nervous since I haven't been out with a girl since my last relationship 6 months ago. She cheated on my with one of my closest friends and that didn't end well. I cut communication off with both of them. Now my new " best friend" has set me up with a girl from upstate New York that was visiting family in Pennsylvania. It was taking her a long time to come so I decided to text her.
To Talia:
Are you gonna show?
From Talia:
Sorry can't make it. Maybe another time.
Well that just happened. I already bought my ticket. I'm just gonna watch the movie by myself. Still a 40 min wait so I'll just eat some McDonald's. I told the cashier my order and sat down at a table. I saw this girl. She was beautiful. Light brown hair to the bottom of her back, slightly tanned skin, and chocolate brown eyes. I wish I could talk to girls like my mate Harry does but I'm just not that kind of guy. I heard my name from the cash registers and went to retrieve my food. I sat down again and started scarfing down my food. 
( italics is the talking)
Eat any faster and you'll get a stomach ache. Where did that come from? I looked around frantically trying to find from who the voice came from. The only other person was the girl from earlier. 
Take a picture it'll last longer. Said the girl while chuckling. Them I realized I was staring at her. Oh um I'm sorry. I apologized. I could feel the blood flowing to my cheeks.
It's fine really. I was just joking.
I noticed she had a Spanish accent which was amazing!
I was trying desperately to stay cool but I couldn't help getting sweaty and stuttering. I hated being me.
So it's a Saturday night a-and you're at t-the movies alone? I asked. Well I could ask the same thing mister. She sniggered. Well there go my cheeks again. I'm actually a non-social person. I like my alone time a lot. She giggled.  And now you think I'm a loner! 
No not at all! I understand I'm sorta anti- social too. I answered. So why are you here alone? She asked politely. Well I got stood up. Simple as that.
I felt slightly embarrassed as to why I was alone.
Well if you'd like to watch a movie with me that'd be fine by me. I couldn't believe it. This beautiful girl that I barely knew invited me to a movie. Take it or leave it. It starts in 5 minutes. She started gathering her things and throwing away her trash. I barely knew this girl but that's how you get to know a person so why the hell not! Sure, I'd love to. We bought snacks and enters the theatre. I never got to ask what movie this was. Could you tell me what movie we are watching? I whispered to her. Paranormal Activity 4. She answered like it was nothing. I was scared shitless of horror movies. What!? I whisper yelled. What? You're not scared are you?
What no I f-fine. Just horror isn't really my favorite kind of movies. I was a mess. Stuttering, sweating. Gosh how I hated scary movies. As the lights dimmed I started freaking out. All throughout the movie she didn't flinch once! She kept pointing out all the mistakes though. Every single on of them. It felt like it took forever but the movie finally ended. We headed back to McDonald's.
So was that movie boring or what? She laughed. I didn't say anything. I was frozen in fear. I was probably a bit more pale now. You really thought that movie was scary?! I could not move my mouth. I was never watching now that again. I mean I know the guy is supposed to protect the girls but let's face it I'm as scary as a baby penguin. (See what I did there😏). Well this movie was shit. She said. And now I need to change my underwear. We chuckled together. Well I need to get going. I'll go. She started leaving. No wait! I yelled after her. Um can I um a least have your um number? I asked shyly. Sure. Here you go! She handed me a piece of paper and walked off I couldn't get that stupid smile off my face. I took out my phone. Contacts. Talia. DELETE.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2015 ⏰

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