Chapter 1

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"Lanie!" Rattled a girl at a large door, a girl with light hazel eyes, deep fawn colored wavy hair, and freckles holding a stuff bunny was behind this girl with red curls, emerald green eyes. No one answer.

"Maybe she's not home." Implied the girl with the bunny in her hand. The red headed girl turned around quickly with a giant mischievous smile.

"Oh! She's home alright!" The girl beckoned to the girl with the bunny. She struggled to keep up with the red headed girl.

"Zuri! Slow down! Zerina!" The girl quietly shouted. Zerina was already half way through a window. "Zuri! What are you doing!"

"I'm stuck!!" She pouted while wiggling and riggling in the small window.

"I'm glad your wearing your overalls." Giggled the girl.

"Ha Ha very funny, Amari." Zerina mocked sarcastically.

"Ok stop wiggling." Amari said setting down her bunny in a bench near the window and tried to pull Zerina out the window. Someone cleared their throat from behind them. Amari slowly turned around with a weak smile.

"Ugh!" Zerina sighed.

"What are y'all doing!?" Said the blonde brown haired, crystal blue eyed girl with a beautiful dress on.

"Hey Lanie." Amari shyly said. Zerina face palmed her self.

"Ok you caught us, now GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!!" Zerina started to pout, flingy herself around. Amari and Lanie started to giggle. They both pulled at the same time. Zerina slipped out like a glove. They all laughed. A maid came from around the corner. She shrieked seeing that Lanie's dress was filthy and covered with dirt.

"Lady Alana! What happened to your dress!" A maid exclaimed helping Lanie to her feet and kept trying to dust the dirt off of Lanie.

"I'll see you guys later on." Lanie shouted towards the other two girls.

"See ya!" Zerina said hysterically waving her hand

"Bye." Smiled Amari sweetly. When Lanie was out of sight Zerina plopped down on the bench next to the sidewalk. Amari walked over to her and held her hand. Zerina looked up at her smiled.

"Its just not fair. She has no time for us anymore." Zerina said sobbing a little. Amari took a seat next to her sobbing friend.

"That's not true, she will always have time for us. Just that time isn't right now."

"Yeah I guess."

"And besides I hear an order of two root beer floats calling our name." The two girls both laughed then went over to their bikes. Zerina's was a multi colored mountain bike and Amari's was light blue bike with a basket. She set her stuffed bunny in the basket. They rode off down the street to Tyson's ice cream parlor. They left the parlor plump as a grape.

"I'm stuffed!" Zerina exclaimed bursting out the parlor's front entrance.

"Thank you!" Amari said sweetly to Mr. Tyson before leaving the parlor. "Yeah, so am I." She yawned.



"Why are you so nice?"

"I just am. It feels natural to me. Why?"

"Just wanted to know." Zerina answered before riding off to her house. Amari was unchaining her bike when. Smash! She went flying to the ground, and her stuffed bunny, Mr.Fluff, went flying through the air. Some one caught it. It was a boy with black hair and blue eyes. He looked at it and chuckled.

"Give him back!" Amari snapped. She really cares about Mr.Fluff because it was the last thing her father gave her before being killed in war. She got up quick and snatched him out of the boy's hand. He gave her a dirty look and pedaled off. She walking her bike when she recognized when the boy crashed into her, the impact broke the pedal of her bike. So she walked home beside the bike. Pushing it. When she replayed the thought in her head. She realized she never seen him before. And she knows everyone in town. And she made a bad impression! She was in front of her house when she realized.

"There's my little girl." Her mom smiled while she quickly put out a cigarette.

"Hi, mom."

"What happened to you!? And your bike!!!" Her mother asked hysterically.

"A boy ran into me in front of Mr.Tyson's parlor." She barely could speak with giggling because her mother was inspecting her for any more marks. "A new boy."

"Oh. A new boy? So what does he look like this new boy." Her mother teased while attending to her daughter's wounds.

"Well he has black hair and blue eyes." Amari explained.

"Do you think he's cu-"

"Ok!? Night mom!" Amari sped while giving her mother a kiss to bed. When she got upstairs. She plopped on her bed. "Ugh!" She plopped a pillow in her face and went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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