To Whom It May Concern

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When all of this started I found an envelope with a letter shoved between two bricks in the school courtyard and everything changed. Maybe that letter was left just for me or maybe it was destiny throwing two people together for better or worse. The day was going terribly wrong and I went out to the corner of the courtyard where no one else even knows exists -or so I thought- I sat in my corner and counted the bricks to calm down. While calming myself I came across a powder blue envelope that I would have missed if it weren't for the smooth corner sticking out of the crack between two bricks.

To whom it may concern,

I'm just like you... well probably I'm just a person trying to get things right and not mess up. I'm human and I make mistakes, but sometimes I wonder if anyone is really on my side, I wonder if I'm all alone in this great big world, and sometimes I hope that there are others like me out there and that someone out there is meant to be mine.... I hope that you have someone who makes you feel like you have someone on your side... being lonely is like being lost in a sea of people when no one else matters but you feel like they're more important than you. I need someone, will you be my someone? ~Anonymous

Messed Up(POV):

I carry the secret letter with me all day tumbling ideas of a response around in my head until I come up with a polished response that I feel is simple yet fitting, I slip the letter back into my pocket and take a sheet of paper out to respond:

Dear Anonymous,

I'm a mess up, too it's okay we can help each other through this. I'm all alone, too nobody cares about me, I'm on my own and I have been for sometime now. I just need someone in the sea of loneliness I'll be your someone if you'll be mine. We'll make it through together. ~Messed Up

Once the response is written and sealed safely in a pastel pink envelope I sneak back to my secret corner and slide it between the bricks. Once the letter is hidden by the bricks and I know nobody is watching I leave my corner and head home with hopes of a response tomorrow.

Anonymous (POV):

I'm stupid why did I leave the letter there no one is going to find it GOD I'm such a pansy I can't even tell a girl how I feel, why am I so pathetic? I slump down into my corner and grab my letter from between the bricks tearing it open only stopping when I realize that I'm holding a torn pink envelope instead of a blue one and eagerly devour the words written on the paper. I read the letter over multiple times admiring the perfectly printed handwriting that says someone wants to be there for me and I try to process what this means. I'm not alone I have someone and they need someone, too. I race home to write a response to my someone.

Messed Up,

We're not alone anymore. We've got each other and no one can change that now. Anyway I have a problem and I need your advice so here goes nothing. There is this girl she's not the typical pageant girl type she's beautiful in a non-queenbee way and she's smart but she'll never like me that way because it's unethical and she's way, too beautiful to ever want to go out with me. Anyway I'd feel bad if she ever agreed to date me because she's not like the people I usually date and my friends might not accept us being together. What should I do? ~Anonymous

I write the letter hoping that maybe, just maybe Messed Up can help me come to a decision. The rest of the night I feel excitement building up within me for the time when I can slip my letter safely covered in a blue envelope into the crack and get an answer. I end up going to bed early so the next morning comes faster.

Messed Up (POV) * Flash Forward Six Months* :

We're doing something important today it's the last day before winter break and everything is going to change I'm going to meet Anonymous today and I'm going to help him ask his mystery girl out today. I run through the plan in my head. 1. Meet him in our spot and discuss who I have to sweet talk to get him his girl. 2. I've got to have him help me get Samantha to notice me or I'll die never having the courage to ask her out. 3. Finally we'll exchange our last letters that will be written without knowing each other and everything could change. I count down the minutes until the bell rings, only forty-seven minutes to go. When the bell finally rings I race out to the corner and wait for Anonymous. When Samantha shows up at the corner with a confused look on her face I know she must be anonymous but I'm too bewildered to say anything and it seems she feels the same way.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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