DARE US/THEM!!!!!!!!

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YOU ALL NEEDS TO DARE AND ASK US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have fun with it too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only have one rule.............there are no rules.

You can dare and ask what ever you want!!!!!!! I will make a chapter dedicated to that, and make the person do it! I seriously will. And if i don't, for some reason, you can all slap me in the face individually!!!!!!!! That's how confident i am that i will not do a chapter for your dares and asks.

Each chapter will have one ask, and one dare in it. They can be from the same person, or they can be form two different people. It just depends. But have fun daring the creepypastas and my oc characters.

For people who haven't read my oc info book, here's my oc's:











And icebreaker, rydan and rylianna are nekos. (Cat people with ears and tails)

Wolfsong can do what ever the fuck she wants cause she me. And she can change to a black wolf.

Parker is just some dude......that can see spirits.

Sky is basically Parker's girlfriend. And the daughter of satan....or zalgo. Whoever you want to call him.

Hawk is just some dude who died in my book. 

Clyde and sully are the trouble makers. Clyde is like wolfsong. He's her brother. And sully is like....a three eyed demon dude. But his eyes are covered by his black hair. 

Swift is not important. 

Thank you all! I hope you give interesting dares, and questions!!!!!!!!


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