Little Wonders

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Little Wonders
Baby! Steven x Gem! Reader

Sitting cross legged on the floor, [Name] tilted her head a bit in curiosity as she watched the toddler in the car seat carrier, sleep peacefully. The baby boy's black curly hair naturally framed around his smooth chubby cheeks. His small pale hands were clutching the soft pink blanket he was wrapped in. Studying him, [Name] just kept her stoic face watching the half human, half gem sleep.

This would always happen. Whenever Greg brought Steven over, [Name] either observed him closely while he was sleeping or watched him from afar when he was awake. The reason? The other gems didn't know. They figured she was still adjusting to the fact that Rose had given up her psychical form for him. But on the contrary, that wasn't the exact reason.

The gems were preparing to leave for a sudden mission, but someone had to stay and watch Steven. Pearl pursed her lips and looked over at Garnet, "I think I should stay here with Steven, I'm not sure if [Name] is ready to take care of him by herself!" she whisper yelled to the taller gem.

Garnet studied [Name] for a moment then adjusted her glasses. "[Name] can't go to [Place] since it's made of/covered in/ [weakness] and our mission requires three gems.They'll be fine by themselves, Pearl. [Name]'s got this." she said reassuringly.

Pearl looked nervous, but reluctantly let out a sigh in defeat, "If you say so." Turning to the said gem, Pearl looked up to meet [Name]'s [eye color] eyes. "[Name], can you take care of Steven?"

[Name] blinked at her and gave a curt nod before turning her head back to the sleeping child. Pearl still felt unsure, but she trusted Garnet's words and [Name]'s being.

Walking to the female, Pearl set down a small bag filled with Steven's items. "All of his food is in here, only feed him one and little by little. Also don't forget to change his diapers an-"

"Hurry up Pearl, we gotta go!" Amethyst exclaimed with a loud groan.

Pearl glared and was about to snap when she felt a hand pat her own. Looking down, the gem spoke, "I got this Pearl."

Pearl nodded slowly and squeezed [Name]'s shoulder lightly, "If you need anything, you know how to call us." [Name] gave a small nod. Pearl gave her a weary smile and walked over to the warp pad where Garnet and Amethyst were waiting.

"Good luck." Garnet said, and with that, they were warped away leaving [Name] alone with the small child. Now alone with the child once more, [Name] turned back to the boy and frowned a bit.

It wasn't as if [Name] hated Steven for taking Rose away. No. She respected Rose's love for Greg and she knew none of it was Steven's fault. Rose wanted this, she wanted to share her experiences with the child. Although she misses Rose dearly, [Name] would never blame him or hate the boy for existing. So why did she watch him all the time? Well it's simple. [Name] fears humans.

All her life [Name] lived in Homeworld as being a scientist for creating inventions and building places such as the Kindergarten. [Name] hated it, mostly from all the things she had been forced to witness. From then on, [Name] became traumatized of new things.

Humans were very intriguing for a scientist such as herself, yes, but [Name] is very reluctant over new things and species, and that included humans. Hell, it took her a year to be able to stay in the same room as Greg! So of course she would be weary of Steven. [Name] preferred to keep her distance from the child.

Sure she was fascinated by him and wished to take care of him more, but she was too afraid to approach him. So when the gems were going out on this mission, [Name] sucked in all her anxiety to try and make a connection with the kid like the other gems had.

Being so wrapped up in her mind, [Name] didn't notice Steven stirring up until she heard a faint yawn coming from in front of her. Little Steven fluttered open his long lashed eyes making [Name] stiffen in her spot. Upon gazing into his dark brown eyes, [Name] held her breath and stared. The young child blinked for a moment before squirming a bit in place.

[Name]'s eyes widened not knowing what he was doing or what she should do. 'Maybe Pearl should've stayed home!' [Name] thought as she frantically looked through the bag to her left. Taking out a small bottle, [Name] turned to Steven who was now unwrapped from his blanket burrito.

"Gah!!" [Name] yelped and pushed herself backwards to keep her distance away from the kid. Steven looked at her questioningly, tilting his head to the side.

Sitting up,  [Name] put her hands up, "Stay." she mumbled.

The toddler gave a goofy smile and stumbled out of his baby carrier, making [Name] sweat bullets. "H-hey! I said stay!" Steven ignored her and began to crawl to her form. [Name]'s eyes dilated in fear. Not knowing what to do, she closed her eyes tightly and raised her hands to cover her head.

All was quiet until the feeling a small hand clamped down onto [Name]'s knees made her stiffen. Peering through her fingers, [Name] frowned when she saw the child standing awkwardly, holding onto her knees for support as he raised his hands up to reach for the top of her head. [Name] looked from him and slowly retracted her arms, following his gaze as he watched her arms. [Name] looked at her hand and saw the bottle from before.

"Oh." she muttered. Gulping, [Name] shook the bottle, "You want this?"

To respond, he tried to reach for it once more. Now knowing this was what he wanted, [Name] carefully put the bottle to his reach. Steven happily took his drink and sat down onto the floor, sipping the liquid from the container without another thought.

As for [Name], she was amazed at how easy that interaction was. He didn't hurt her or cause her any mental pain. [Name] sat criss cross and relaxed her tense muscles. In such deep wonder, [Name] once again didn't notice Steven moving towards her until she felt weight on her lap.

Stiffening, she glanced down at the child lounging on her lap with his bottle in mouth. [Name] didn't know what to do in this situation, but seeing as Steven wasn't causing her any trouble she began to breath slowly. Her heart was racing, but after a few moments of silence, [Name] began to relax.

"You aren't going to harm me." she stated, watching the child on her lap. Steven was cuddled into her lap, his dark curls tickling her exposed [arm/leg/stomach]. The curls felt so soft against her skin, and his warmth was welcoming.

Hesitantly, [Name] rested her hand on his mane of hair, running her hands through it softly. He didn't seem to mind, he looked rather happy to be shown such affections. Steven looked up at [Name] and gave her a smile that was all too familiar, yet at the same time foreign.

Feeling her heart swell up, [Name] gave the child a small smile. "You're different Steven. But I know you're a good being." she stated softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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