Missing Piece: Vincent's Apology

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「 Missing Piece: Vincent's Apology 」
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When I first laid my eyes upon your gorgeous face, Rachel, I couldn't help but stare. I wanted so badly to speak to you, but I could not find the words, for no words would do my inner feelings justice. I could only look on like a fool, hoping that you might recognize my affection. Eventually, we did fall for one another, and if loving you was a mistake, it was the best I ever made, because with time we only grew closer. In every trial to come my way and in every battle I fought, you were always standing right beside me. Not once did you falter or question your position; a love like that is undeniable, and irreplaceable. And when you brought our son into this world, never before had a more lovely sight come before my eyes. I looked at the family I'd made, and was thankful. In the end, though, our love could not overcome the burning flames of hatred - there was no way we could have escaped my enemy's grasp. For ruining your future, for stealing away a beloved daughter and sister, for taking the life of a perfect mother, I am so sorry. It should have been only me that day, but in cold blood, you were murdered as well. I sometimes wonder if you would have left things as they were to be if you'd had a choice. Would you have rather died than lived without me? Perhaps you died because of the simple fact that you HAD no choice. Because of me, my little son was left to fend for himself, and you, my wife, lost the life laid out ahead. The family I loved to no end and worked so hard to build fell apart. In my life, you were the missing piece, the one thing I needed to be complete. In the end, although inevitably joined, we couldn't have been ripped farther apart. I miss you still, my darling, and pray you harbor no hatred for my sins, for as long as time goes on, I will always hold you close. - ♛

Missing Piece: Vincent's ApologyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora