The Bitterness Of Betrayal

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     A child of about ten years of age was walking home from school.
"I hope my brother will help me with my homework." The boy said to himself as he brushed his white hair from his eyes. He walked down the road towards the mountain he lived on. Trees surrounded him and the forest refused to let any light in. Despite this there was somehow snow on the ground from las night,at least a foot of it. It was cold out but he found it comfortable. He found the forest to be calming and the scenery to be beautiful. He walked through the snow covered forest,quietly listening to the sounds of the forest. He found it soothing and slowed his pace to enjoy his surroundings and the beauty they offered. He eventually walked out of the forest and came to a large mansion. The building looked like it was made of a smooth stone,and there was a stone path leading to the door of the house. He knocked on the door and waited. "I wonder if brother's home." The boy thought. The door opened to reveal a very expensive looking house. The floors were all made of a polished wood and the walls were made of a dark colored wood. "Hello? I'm home." The boy said as he walked in and shut the door behind him. He paused in front of the coat rack beside the door and took of his jacket revealing his black shirt. He took of his hat to reveal white wolf ears and white hair. "Dinner is on the table." A woman said from upstairs. "Thanks mom!" The boy replied as he want into the kitchen. "Akida,don't forget the rest of the family will be here tomorrow." The boy's mother said as she walked into the kitchen. She had white hair like her son,white wolf ears,and ice blue eyes. She wore a white dress and white high heels. Anyone that had seen her before would agree that they could only think of one word to describe her. They would call her an angel. She had money and was very smart,yet unlike a lot of people with money she knew what it was like to be poor. With this in mind she helped anyone she could any chance she got. That is why people called her an angel. She still had enemies due to the money she had,which in turn put her son, Akida in danger. This meant that Akida was trained by his father in swordsmanship and close quarters combat. Akida could take care of himself due to the training he received from his father and the personal trainers. The training he went through was extremely thorough. His brother had the same type of training only he had more experience then Akida. "Alright mom."Akida responded so his mom would know that he heard her. "Make sure to wear something nice."She reminded him. "I will."He said,getting tired of the conversation. He walked upstairs to his room after eating his dinner and started working on his home work. He had managed to finish his work,but before he could put up his homework he felt himself drifting of into the land of dreams. Akida awoke to the unwelcome sound of his alarm clock going off. "Shut up." He mumbled and blindly reached over to turn it off. The alarm was still going off so he garbed the clock and threw it at the wall across the room. There was no smash like there should have been,instead the clock went through a shadow on the wall. The clock then fell back on the table it had originally been sitting on. "Curse my semblance."Akida murmured as he got out of bed. He walked over to his closet and grabbed a black suit that had a black shirt and a red tie.He stepped out into the hall and went into the bathroom across the hall.He walked over to the shower and turned on the hot water.He took a long shower,staying longer then needed to relax as the water hit his skin.He turned of the water,dried off,and put on his suit.He walked out and over to the closet in the hallway.He opened and grabbed a black fedora that had a red strip of silk wrapping around the fedora,just above the brim of it.He put it on to hide his wolf ears,in case they had a unwelcome guest. He walked down stair and saw a man sitting at the kitchen table. He have white hair,grey eyes,and he wore a black dress shirt,jeans,black dress shoes,and a black fedora that he wore to cover his white wolf ears. "Father."Akida greeted the man from the stairs. "Good morning,Akida have you completed your morning routine?"His father asked. "No sir,I have not."Akida replied with a hint of fear in his voice. "Then tomorrow you will do twelve hours worth instead of six."His father responded. "Akihiko, it's his birthday,please let him off easy. For me?"Akida's mother said as she walked into the room. "Of course Misuki."Akida's father Akihiko said as he turned to Akida's mother,Misuki.
"Thank you father."Akida said with a bow. Akida looked to his mother with gratitude and noticed she had her hair up to hide her wolf ears. "Mother you never told me why we have to hide our ears?"Akida asked. "Humans wouldn't look to kindly upon us." Misuki explained. "Why?" He asked. "People don't like faunus,they see us as animals,and they treat us like animals. Despite our wealth even we wouldn't be treated like equals because of our faunus traits,our ears." Akihiko stated rather bluntly. Akida turned and left the room with this in mind.
He walked into the forest nearby and strolled through the forest,thinking. He looked up at the sky and saw the night sky. "Guess I should head back."He said as he got up. He started home and when he got there he was meet with a gruesome sight. He saw blood all over the ground outside of the house and people laying on the ground dead. Akida ran into the house and saw his father pinned half way up the wall with a sword. "N-No...f-father."Akida said, starring at the sight in shock. "If fathers dead then what about mother?"Akida thought. He ran upstairs to where his mother kept her weapon to find the door open. He slowly walked in and saw his mother,dead. Her head was laying on the ground,separated from her body,which hung on the wall like his father. Akida stood,looking at the sight before him in horror. He fell to his knees and noticed a note on the ground. He reached over and picked it up. "Be careful who you trust Akida." He read to himself. What does it mean?" Akida asked himself. He stood up and ran to his room. Once there he grabbed a duffel bag he had hidden under the floor boards,and threw in his favorite outfits,his two swords"technically three."Akida thought. He threw in his scythe, and five guns. He grabbed the keys to his bike and ran to the garage. He opened the door and saw a black bike sitting in the garage. He got on the bike and drove away. "Where will I go? I don't have any family left so what do I do now?" He thought as he drove down the road. He was lost in thought when he noticed a man in black standing in the middle of the road. He was going to fast to hit the brakes and if he tried to swerve around him,he would loss control of the bike. Suddenly the bike hit something in the road and Akida was thrown from the bike. He landed on the road with a sickening crunch. He was barely able to move,but he managed to drag himself down the road. He felt a sudden jolt of pain in his chest and found that he couldn't move,he was pinned to the road. He felt more pain as something was pulled out of his back. He felt himself slowly losing consciousness,and he drifted into darkness.

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