Chapter 1

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The crackling fire is so calming. The feeling of my fiancé's breathing is calming. The sound of the voices of my family is gentle and soothing. I'm so relaxed.

"You look so beautiful with the fire glowing on your skin." Almond whispers in my ear. I shiver.

"Thank you." I whisper. He's been sitting and taking photos of me for like twenty minutes. I'm twenty four now and Brody is twenty five. Both of our birthdays are in November. Mine is November 4th, and Brody's is November 1st.

My mind wanders back to the day we told everyone we were getting married. They were all so excited. I remember Dad thinking I was pregnant, and we soon found out that the test was for Madison. She has a baby, and it's now two months.

The idea of being engaged was so weird back then, and now the wedding is the day after tomorrow.

"I'm nervous for Saturday." Brody whispers.

"Me too." I laugh. "I'm paranoid you'll leave...or say no."

"I'm nervous you'll do the same." He laughs.

I smile.

"Well baby, you don't have to worry about me."

"I know, and you don't have to worry about me, but I'm going to be your husband, button. It's my job to worry about you."

I smile and kiss him. "I love you."

"I love you too."

I hear Courtney scream.


The entire family starts to panic, screaming. We're in Maine, on Brody's Grandma's property.

Brody stands up. I stand up too, alert.

Brody, to my surprise, walks over to the snake and picks it up,

"It's a garden snake, Courtney. It's completely harmless."

"Wait, I wanna hold it." I say.

Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy. Dad seems weary, but he trusts Brody. He knows if a gunman ran up to shoot me, Brody would take the bullet in a heartbeat.

That scares me.

I walk over to my baby.

He hands me the snake.

"It's cold." I mumble. It's harmless and cute. "I want a snake."

"No, we're not getting a snake." Brody says. "I hate snakes."

"You just picked up Fred."


"I named him Fred." I shrug.

"That's because he's harmless and I was going to throw him in the fire."

I gasp.

"No! That's mean, Brody!" I'm upset. Why would be want to throw an innocent creature in the fire?

I go walking away with Fred, and I sit back down on the log and let him slither around my foot.

I pick him up every now and then, and google what do garden snakes eat.

Brody sits next to me.

"Go away." I say. "I don't want you near Fred. You were going to hurt him!"

"I'm sorry." He says. "Forgive me." He kisses my shoulder.

"Pick him up and apologize to him."

He picks up Fred.

"Sorry Fred."

I take Fred and go set him down in the garden, and then I wash my hands. Brody washes his too, and I go to the bathroom.

When I go back out, Brody is sitting alone.

I sit down between his legs. He rests his hands on my thighs and puts his chin on my shoulder.

"I'm nervous, Brody." I whisper.


"I don't want to say."

"Tell me." He whispers.

I stand up, pull my jeans up, and sit on his lap with my legs wrapped around his back. He puts his hands on my lower back.

I need to talk to him.

"I'm nervous for the wedding night."

Realization sets in.

I'm on birth control and all, but I've never done anything but made out with him. I don't know how to do anything. I mean, sure, I know what to do, but how do I know if it's good?

"Honey, if you're not ready, there's no rush."

I take a deep breath.

"No, I'm ready." I whisper. "But what if I mess up?"

He's watching me very seriously, reading every expression. I drop my eyes.

"Hey." He tilts my chin up. People are watching us. "It's new to both of us." He smiles. "Who cares if we mess up? It's a new experience, sweetheart. We're going to try to find out what we're doing, and that's okay."

I nod slowly.

"It's like riding a skateboard. If I got you a skateboard and put you on it now, you wouldn't be able to ride it and you would probably fall, but after time, you'd be able to ride with no problem. I'm not worried, Button, and I don't think you should be either. It's new to both of us."

I nod slowly.

"I don't want you to feel pressured. It's not about that, baby. It's about us getting married. It's not about sex."

I nod, taking a deep breath.


"Anything else?" he asks.

I bite my lip. "I'm scared I'm going to fall down the aisle."

He laughs.

"I think you'll be okay, darling. I can't wait to call you my wife."

The idea of being married to him makes excitement pool in my belly. I grin.

"I'm so excited." I whisper, shifting in his lap.

I'm so pure. He's never even touched my ass.

His hands skate down to my ass to shift me, and it surprises me. Heat immediately pools in my belly. I'm not so scared anymore.

I'm ready. I'm ready for all of it.

I can't wait.

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