Chapter One - Blake

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The door bell rang, I quickly ran down the stairs without making a noise, I grabbed my school bag which was dumped on the floor and the house which were left on a little table. Quickly I unlocked the door.

There was one of my best friends Ruby, "Alright?"

I nodded and walked outside, then I relocked the door and shoved the keys in my pocket.We walked down the corner, where my other best friend Dani was waiting for us with a gang of my other friends. Most of them were smoking or playing music on their phones.

Dani spotted us and waved, we waved back.

"Want a fag?" A boy named Mikey offered us, holding out a packet.

"No thanks." Me and Ruby both said at the same time, we laughed.

"They're wimps Mikey, they don't smoke." Dani teased.

"Screw you." I smirked and put up my middle finger.                                                      

 We all laughed and walked to school.

We had our own area, behide the sheds. No one ever came behide the sheds unless you were one of us. No one bothered us there.

We didn't talk or mingle much with the rest of the school, they either looked down on us or feared us. We were the trouble makers of the school, the ones who always got into fights, the ones who always got in trouble with the police. The ones who underaged smoke, drink and underage pregnancies. The ones who stole from shops. The ones who everybody knew weren't going anywhere in life we were just useless.

We were the 'Rough' ones, no weren't chavs. We didn't act like we were the hardest in the school and wore hoop ear rings.

We were just the ones who parents had broken up, were in jail or some kind of gang.                                                                                                                                                                                          I slumped my bag down next to me and sat down, Ruby did the same and sat next to me.

Dani took one quick puff of her fag, then put it out and sat down next to us and smiled.

"Alright?" Dani asked and we all began talking.

Then Jared walked around the corner, I felt my heart skipping a beat. He was gorgeous as far as boys go. He had short spikey black hair, and dark green eyes. Most of the girls faniced him, even the ones who didn't hang around with us. Jared was like one of the leaders, when people saw him they high fived him. Jared was my boyfriend, we had been going out for about two years and were pretty serious, we had our first kiss together. Before we were dating, we were best friends.                                                                                                                                                                                                          

 He said hello to his friends then looked around like he was looking for someone (me I hoped) then he looked over to me and smiled. He jogged over and stood infront of me.

"Hey." He said,

"Hello." I smirked.

Ruby moved over to sit next to Dani and Jared took her space.

"I got something to ask you later." Jared said.

"Tell me now?" I begged.

"No. When we're alone." Jared whispered and looked around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2011 ⏰

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