Dan's POV

My gaze unconsciously  slid to Phil. His blue shirt showed off his lanky form, and almost broadened his shoulders. Everything about his features were sharp, like he was carved from stone, but his eyes glimmered warmly.

"Dan!" Phil repeated.

Heat flooded into my cheeks, "What?"

"You're staring." Phil laughed good naturedly.

"Sorry." I whisper, looking at the ground. 

"Come on Dan cheer up, I know you don't like it but we can get ice cream after." Phil smiled, nudging my shoulder with his.

"What type?" Dan challenged, raising an eyebrow.

"As black as your soul."

Dan laughed, punching Phil's shoulder. "You got me there."

Phil stood up and held out his hand. Dan took it and hoisted himself to his feet with a dramatic groan. "Let's go, drama queen." 

"Tyler's the queen, Phil." Dan muttered, dragging his feet as he followed Phil from the bright apartment.

They walked in silence for a few minutes, ignoring the loud sounds of the streets and shouts from the people, they were used to it. They had lived in this noisy place for so long that most of the time they didn't notice.

They entered the large building, the crumbly pillars looked to weak to hold up the massive sign. 

"Welcome to Citibank, names?" The fat old man at one of the large desks grunted.

"Phil Lester and Dan Howell." Phil answered for Dan, having sensed his unease with the thought of having to communicate with another human being.

Dan zoned out while Phil talked to the old man about returning their loan. It was a kind of a dizzy daydream, he couldn't completely focus on what was happening, but he was pretty sure Phil was in there somewhere.

"Dan, we can go now." Phil said, tapping him on the shoulder.

"What?" Dan asked, still slightly dazed. 

Phil laughed, pulling him to his feet. "Come on, we can get the ice cream now."

~time skip cause I'm bored as hell~

Dan and Phil sat together on the cough, licking their ice cream, their side's touching.

A couple that had been rudely staring at them from a few feet away finally got up and left, leaving them alone in the badly antiqued shop, beside's the workers screwing around behind the counter.

"Hey Phil-" Dan started.

Suddenly a weight pushed Dan back into the couch, and warm lips covered his. Dan's eyes widened in his surprise as he saw pale skin. Phil?

Dan tried to move away, but Phil had pinned him to the spot, tilting his chin up with one hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2019 ⏰

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